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Nun Peak in India 7000 meter peak

Nun Peak- The Route to Everest & other 7,000 – 8,000-meter peaks


There are plen­ty of sto­ries out there you may have read about climbers with lit­tle to no expe­ri­ence reach­ing the sum­mit of Mount Ever­est. The sto­ries of climbers, if you can call them that, arriv­ing in base camp and not know­ing how to put on cram­pons. Of porters car­ry­ing the oxy­gen bot­tle con­nect­ed to the client that has not even a small ruck­sack on their back. And the sto­ries go on…

What does make sense for prepar­ing for Ever­est or oth­er 8,000-meter peaks then? If a per­son that has done some back­pack­ing and hik­ing wants to climb Ever­est what do we tell them as a guide ser­vice what they need to do? Below is a good pro­gres­sion and if you’re already on your way, we dis­cuss the option of climb­ing Nun, a 7,000-meter+ peak in India below for this summer.

Dates: Aug 4, 2024 — Aug 29, 2024

P8170373 preview

An exam­ple of suf­fi­cient train­ing & expe­ri­ence would include a com­bi­na­tion of the fol­low­ing in a log­i­cal progression:

  1. Tech­ni­cal train­ing in the Wash­ing­ton Cas­cades or inter­na­tion­al course. Exam­ples: Alpine Ice Course, Ouray Ice Cours­es, Ecuador Moun­taineer­ing Course, or Bolivia Moun­taineer­ing Course
  2. Ascents of 6,000 meter peaks in South Amer­i­ca or Asia. Exam­ples: Ecuador Vol­ca­noes, Aconcagua, Chopikal­ki, Bolivi­a’s Cordillera Real, Island Peak, or Ama Dablam
  3. Denali or Vin­son and/​or a 7000 – 8000 meter peak such as Pik Lenin, Nun Peak, or Cho Oyu.
  4. Mount Ever­est

Are you qual­i­fied to climb Nun? 

This expe­di­tion requires expe­ri­ence with glac­i­er trav­el and some pre­vi­ous high alti­tude ascents. Nun Peak is a per­fect next step for climbers that have been to Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Elbrus or Aconcagua!

Where Is Nun Peak?

Locat­ed in Ladakh and part of the Zan­skar Range of the West­ern Himalaya, Nun Peak dom­i­nates the sky­line of the upper Suru Val­ley. The region is dom­i­nat­ed by big riv­er val­leys and huge moun­tains with ancient trade routes link­ing this remote area to Chi­na and Pak­istan. You’ll step back in time on this jour­ney in High Asia.

Nun route map

What will the climb be like? 

The ascent of Nun requires three camps above base camp as well as some fixed lines on the upper moun­tain. Climb­ing expe­di­tion-style we dou­ble car­ry to camps with the mantra, climb high-sleep low,” to aid our acclima­ti­za­tion. This strat­e­gy keeps the chal­lenge with­in reach for both sea­soned vet­er­ans and those break­ing the 7,000 meter bar­ri­er for the first time.

What about the gear? 

Equip­ment need­ed for Nun is sim­i­lar to Aconcagua. Pack up your warm boots, sleep­ing bag, par­ka, mitts and glac­i­er trav­el gear and you are set for a big peak in the Himalaya!

Where else will we go? 

Adding depth to this expe­di­tion we’ll vis­it Leh and Sri­na­gar! Both places are des­ti­na­tions on the clas­sic car­a­van trade routes of ancient times and the more recent Hip­py Trail” of the 60’s and 70’s. Sri­na­gar and it’s flower laden house­boats of Lake Dal are famous among adven­ture trav­el­ers world­wide and a relax­ing way to end the expe­di­tion before the flight back to New Del­hi and home.