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probes and transceiver work during avalanche education course

AIARE Level 1 Avalanche Safety Course

Don’t second guess yourself — take this avalanche safety class to get the tools needed to make good decisions

The AIARE Lev­el 1 avalanche safe­ty class pro­vides the avalanche skills train­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion need­ed if you are a ski­er, snow­board­er, climber, or snow­shoer that trav­els in avalanche ter­rain. Avalanche Insti­tute of Research and Edu­ca­tion (AIARE) Recre­ation­al I is an intro­duc­to­ry class with lec­tures and two field days that cov­ers the phe­nom­e­non of avalanche, avalanche ter­rain, deci­sion mak­ing, trav­el tech­niques, human fac­tors, and com­pan­ion res­cue. These cours­es are designed for recre­ation­al­ists look­ing to get out and have the nec­es­sary tools to make informed deci­sions about risk fac­tors, and to be able to ask the right ques­tions before head­ing out. Round out your back­coun­try edu­ca­tion by join­ing us for a Back­coun­try Ski­ing Fun­da­men­tal Course. And for those look­ing to up their game, it meets the require­ment for our more advanced Back­coun­try Ski Tours.

Our high­ly expe­ri­enced instruc­tors have been trained by the Cana­di­an Avalanche Asso­ci­a­tion (CAA), the Amer­i­can Moun­tain Guides Asso­ci­a­tion (AMGA), and the Amer­i­can Insti­tute for Avalanche Research and Edu­ca­tion (AIARE). They are the best, most­ly high­ly trained instruc­tors! Who else would you want to learn from?

In addi­tion to this, we have the most course venues avail­able, which allow us to adapt to the ever-chang­ing con­di­tions win­ter throws our way:

  • Mount Rainier
  • Steven’s Pass
  • Sno­qualmie Pass
  • Leav­en­worth and Blewett Pass
  • Mount Bak­er Ski area BC
  • White Pass

The AIARE 1 is a 24-hour avalanche course that pro­vides an intro­duc­tion to using deci­sion mak­ing tools to help a group man­age risk while trav­el­ing in avalanche ter­rain. Avalanche edu­ca­tion and get­ting the know-how” to trav­el wise­ly is a life­long pur­suit, and this is the best place to start. Here’s what you’ll learn about:

  • Weath­er
  • Snow­pack
  • Avalanche phe­nom­e­non
  • Ter­rain Selection
  • Human fac­tors
  • Deci­sion making
  • Avalanche dan­ger ratings
  • Self-res­cue/­Com­pan­ion rescue
  • Trip plan­ning and preparation
  • Trav­el techniques
  • Bond­ing tests/​test profiles

At the end of this course you should be able to:

  • plan and pre­pare for trav­el in avalanche terrain
  • rec­og­nize avalanche terrain
  • describe a frame­work for mak­ing deci­sions in avalanche terrain
  • apply effec­tive com­pan­ion rescue.

For pro­fes­sion­als, such as entry lev­el guides and ski-patrollers look­ing for essen­tial skills to keep them­selves, and oth­ers safe in avalanche ter­rain, this is the place to start before jump­ing into pro­fes­sion­al lev­el cours­es such as the Lev­el 2 course.


  • Mount Rainier w/​Online Lectures

    $575 – 1 evening lecture + 2 full field days

  • Intro to Back­coun­try Tour­ing Exten­sion (call for details) – $350

  • Stevens Pass w/​Online Lectures

    $575 – 1 evening lecture + 2 full field days

  • Intro to Back­coun­try Tour­ing Exten­sion (call for details) – $350

  • Sno­qualmie Pass w/​Online Letures

    $575 – 1 evening lecture + 2 full field days

  • Intro to Back­coun­try Tour­ing Exten­sion (call for details) – $350


Course Schedule

  • AIARE Pre-course learn­ing. This can be com­plet­ed any­time pri­or to lec­ture (plan for it to take around 5 hours)
  • Thurs­day Zoom Lec­ture (details to come), 6 pm — 9 pm
  • Sat­ur­day & Sun­day field ses­sions, 8:30 am — 5 pm

Intro to Backcountry Touring Extension

  • Add a day to your AIARE Rec 1 course to hone your trip plan­ning and work on trav­el tech­niques and ter­rain selec­tion — then grab your skis or board and get out on your own.
  • 2 stu­dent minimum



Note on Itin­er­ary: Although we do our very best to fol­low the sched­ule list­ed, this itin­er­ary is sub­ject to change due to inclement weath­er, unsafe route con­di­tions, or oth­er rea­sons beyond our con­trol and in the guide’s best judgement.


View Our Rentals
  • Mount Rainier w/​Online Lectures


    1 evening lecture + 2 full field days

    Book Course
  • Stevens Pass w/​Online Lectures


    1 evening lecture + 2 full field days

    Book Course
  • Sno­qualmie Pass w/​Online Letures


    1 evening lecture + 2 full field days

    Book Course

Student to Instructor Ratio



Advanced Beginner

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