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Avalanche Institute of Research and Education Level 2 avalanche course location seattle with mountain madness

Avalanche Institute of Research and Education AIARE 2 Course

Professional level course with certification

Are you look­ing to devel­op pro­fes­sion­al lev­el skills that enable you to con­fi­dent­ly make deci­sions that impact your guest, or recre­ation part­ners in avalanche ter­rain? AIARE Recre­ation­al II takes you beyond the base­line skills intro­duced in the AIARE Recre­ation­al I cur­ricu­lum to both expand your knowl­edge as a recre­ation­al­ist and pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al lev­el train­ing for job-relat­ed demands of ski patrollers, guides, out­door pro­gram lead­ers, and oth­ers in the industry.

The AIARE Recre­ation­al II course intro­duces snow sta­bil­i­ty analy­sis, and delves deep­er into slab mechan­ics, snow­pack meta­mor­phism, and human trig­ger­ing prin­ci­ples. It is appro­pri­ate for ski patrollers, guides, and recre­ation­al­ists look­ing to learn the stan­dards for observ­ing, and record­ing fac­tors that influ­ence snow stability. 


  • Mount Rainier Course

    $575 – 3 Days

    Minimum 5 students

  • Add a first day for avalanche res­cue training – $200

  • Stevens Pass Course

    $575 – 3 Days

    Minimum 5 students

  • Add a first day for avalanche res­cue training – $200


3‑Day Course and 1‑Day Avalanche Res­cue in Mt. Rainier Nation­al Park. Ful­ly immerse your­self in the snow­pack and ter­rain on the south aspect of Mt. Rainier. Class­room ses­sions in Ash­ford at the Nisqually Lodge and field ses­sions above Par­adise — Maza­ma Ridge, Par­adise Glacier/​Muir Snow­fields, and sur­round­ing areas. 

Par­tic­i­pants who have not tak­en avalanche res­cue can add an ini­tial Day 1.

(Min­i­mum 5 students)

3‑Day ​“East­side” Course and 1‑Day Avalanche Res­cue. This course will be based out of Leav­en­worth, Wash­ing­ton in the east/​central Cas­cades and Stevens Pass. With numer­ous ter­rain options, and the poten­tial to take advan­tage of both shal­low and deep snow­packs, this course will def­i­nite­ly deliver.

Par­tic­i­pants who have not tak­en avalanche res­cue can add an ini­tial Day 1. 

(Min­i­mum 5 students)

Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

For sched­uled cours­es and climbs, you should fly into Seat­tle-Taco­ma Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (SeaT­ac). You are respon­si­ble for your trans­porta­tion to down­town Seat­tle. You will meet as a group with your guide(s) ear­ly morn­ing on Day 1 for an ori­en­ta­tion meet­ing and equip­ment check.

Note on Itin­er­ary: Although we do our very best to fol­low the sched­ule list­ed, the very nature of climb­ing in an alpine envi­ron­ment requires flex­i­bil­i­ty. This itin­er­ary is sub­ject to change due to inclement weath­er, unsafe route con­di­tions, and oth­er rea­sons beyond our control.


  • Mount Rainier Course


    3 Days

    Minimum 5 students

    Book Course
  • Stevens Pass Course


    3 Days

    Minimum 5 students

    Book Course

Client to guide ratio




Continuing Education