Our History
MounÂtain MadÂness began with Scott FisÂcher’s dream to creÂate a comÂmuÂniÂty of like-mindÂed souls driÂven by a pasÂsion for mounÂtain exploÂration. To conÂnect peoÂple with advenÂture — and turn their dreams into reality.
In 1984, MounÂtain MadÂness founders Scott FisÂchÂer and Wes Krause became the world’s secÂond team to stand atop Kilimanjaro’s famed Breach IciÂcle. HavÂing sucÂcessÂfulÂly comÂpletÂed the first AmerÂiÂcan ascent of this sheer, detached pilÂlar of ice, they took pause — they had made it and they were hooked. Over the years, they conÂtinÂued seekÂing out wild expeÂriÂences that satÂisÂfied their quest for someÂthing difÂferÂent. MounÂtain MadÂness emerged from this enthuÂsiÂasÂtic partÂnerÂship built on one comÂmon pasÂsion: to share the spirÂit of adventure.
Though it startÂed in Africa, our roots are in Asia, where Scott scaled the world’s highÂest and most chalÂlengÂing peaks, includÂing K2 and Mount EverÂest (both withÂout oxyÂgen) and Lhotse, where he was the first AmerÂiÂcan to sumÂmit. In May of 1996, as described in Jon Krakauer’s well-known book Into Thin Air, Scott lost his life durÂing a bruÂtal storm on Mt. EverÂest. He left behind a powÂerÂful legaÂcy that still inspires othÂers today, and a comÂpaÂny, poised to share the joy of climbÂing, trekking, rock climbÂing, and skiÂing with those ready to join the advenÂture. Scott firmÂly believed that the disÂcovÂery and chalÂlenge of the mounÂtains could transÂform people’s lives.

Elite Climber Christine Boskoff Takes Over
In 1997, ChrisÂtine Boskoff became the ownÂer of MounÂtain MadÂness. Like Scott, she was among the world’s elite high-altiÂtude climbers — being a female in an othÂerÂwise male-domÂiÂnatÂed sport made her all the more noteÂworÂthy. For many though, Chris’ deciÂsion to folÂlow her dreams was every bit as inspirÂing as her climbÂing accomÂplishÂments. Chris left a promisÂing career as an aeroÂnauÂtiÂcal engiÂneer to purÂsue her pasÂsions in life: climbÂing and helpÂing MounÂtain MadÂness clients conÂnect with the joy and chalÂlenge of mounÂtaineerÂing. Her life is depictÂed in the book Edge of the Map.
With Chris at the helm, and SeatÂtle native Mark GunÂlogÂson involved with operÂaÂtions, the comÂpaÂny renewed its comÂmitÂment to instrucÂtion, offerÂing classÂes dedÂiÂcatÂed to difÂferÂent areas of mounÂtaineerÂing, rock climbÂing, and backÂcounÂtry skiÂing. As the comÂpaÂny grew, so did Chris’ climbÂing resume, with addiÂtionÂal ascents of 8000-meter peaks and a first ascent in the mounÂtains of China’s Sichuan Province. SadÂly, in the fall of 2006, Chris and well-known AmerÂiÂcan climber CharÂlie Fowler died in an avalanche as they attemptÂed to sumÂmit Mount Genyan in China.

Mark Gunlogson Carries On the Mountain Madness Legacy
In the wake of Christine’s death, Mark proÂvidÂed MounÂtain MadÂness with steadÂfast leadÂerÂship, becomÂing its ownÂer in 2008. Mark had origÂiÂnalÂly joined the comÂpaÂny in 1994, bringÂing with him an impresÂsive climbÂing and guidÂing backÂground, a degree in EnviÂronÂmenÂtal SciÂence, and a knack for simÂpliÂfyÂing comÂplex logisÂtics and helpÂing make great trips hapÂpen for clients and guides worldwide.
Like his preÂdeÂcesÂsors, Mark is deeply pasÂsionÂate about climbÂing and introÂducÂing othÂers to the transÂforÂmaÂtive powÂer of mounÂtaineerÂing and trekking. For Mark, the jourÂney is the desÂtiÂnaÂtion. He is engaged in the process of growÂing MounÂtain MadÂness and seeÂing the busiÂness emerge as one of the most expeÂriÂenced mounÂtaineerÂing comÂpaÂnies in the world, with top notch teams in the field and behind the scenes. More than 35 years latÂer, MounÂtain MadÂness has remained true to the misÂsion Scott enviÂsioned. The comÂpaÂny has achieved worldÂwide acclaim for excelÂlence in mounÂtaineerÂing and conÂtinÂues to offer a wide range of advenÂtures — from trips for beginÂner trekkers to expeÂdiÂtions for those strivÂing to ascend Mount EverÂest. The spirÂit of advenÂture lives on!