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Last steps to mount vinson summit expedition mountain madness

Mount Vinson Massif

Otherworldly Seven Summit Expedition on Antarctica

The expe­di­tion to climb to the sum­mit of the Vin­son Mas­sif is arguably one of our most intrigu­ing jour­neys! The 16,050-foot / 4892-meter moun­tain is the high­est point on the con­ti­nent of Antarc­ti­ca. For most that have the unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to join us on this Sev­en Sum­mit expe­di­tion, their def­i­n­i­tion of wilder­ness will be rede­fined. Iso­lat­ed and stark­ly beau­ti­ful, the icy con­ti­nent of Antarc­ti­ca is beyond descrip­tion and offers an adven­ture of a life­time for team members.


  • Vin­son Mas­sif — 2025 Pric­ing TBD

    $0 – ~19 Days / Includes trav­el time from Pun­ta Are­nas and con­tin­gency days


Space is lim­it­ed. We strong­ly sug­gest Vin­son climbers reg­is­ter as soon as pos­si­ble in order to reserve a spot on our expedition. 

Flights to and from Antarc­ti­ca are sub­ject to change based on weath­er. We strong­ly encour­age you to buy change­able return flights home to accom­mo­date the nec­es­sary con­tin­gency days.



Flight Information

Antarc­ti­ca is a unique des­ti­na­tion, which presents trav­ellers with many chal­lenges. Coor­di­nat­ing a flex­i­ble return date from Antarc­ti­ca with fixed reser­va­tions on com­mer­cial air­lines is one of these chal­lenges. Flights to and from the con­ti­nent may be delayed due to weath­er con­di­tions. It is impor­tant to allow for extra time at the end of the trip. Since all flights to and from Antarc­ti­ca are weath­er depen­dent, it is prob­a­ble that you will need to make changes to your return flight reser­va­tions on short notice (about 4 hours). Please con­sult with our office regard­ing flights and your best options.

Dates include inter­na­tion­al trav­el and include some extra days. Trip dura­tion will be short­er with no delays.

Please con­tact our office for any help need­ed with flight schedule


  • Vin­son Mas­sif — 2025 Pric­ing TBD


    ~19 Days / Includes trav­el time from Pun­ta Are­nas and con­tin­gency days

    Book Trip

Mount Vinson Elevation

16,050 ft / 4892 m


Nor­mal Route

Client to Guide Ratio




Climbers should be com­fort­able on steep­er snow/​ice slopes. Expe­ri­ence with ascend­ing fixed ropes sug­gest­ed, but not required. Some high alti­tude and arc­tic envi­ron­ment expe­ri­ence also rec­om­mend­ed- call our office for details. 800−328−5925

Climbs to do before vinson