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Aconcagua guided climb and expedition seven summit peak with Mountain Madness

Aconcagua Normal Route Expedition

Climb with our experienced guides to the highest peak in South America

Guid­ed high alti­tude climb­ing expe­di­tions to Aconcagua offer a great way to expe­ri­ence the spec­tac­u­lar Andes of Argenti­na and reach a Sev­en Sum­mit. Aconcagua, often referred to as the Stone Sen­tinel,” is the high­est peak in South Amer­i­ca, the high­est peak in the world out­side of Asia, and one of the Sev­en Sum­mits. This expe­di­tion is a great step­ping stone for the world’s high­est peaks, like Mount Ever­est, and a great intro­duc­tion to full blown expe­di­tionary climbing. 

Basic moun­taineer­ing skills are required and some expe­ri­ence at alti­tude will increase your like­li­hood of suc­cess. But, the moun­tain is not to be tak­en light­ly and it offers a chal­lenge to even sea­soned high alti­tude climbers. Join our expe­ri­enced guides and reach the sum­mit of this much sought after peak. Read more about qual­i­fi­ca­tions below and check out the blog, Aconcagua call­ing- are you ready for it?”

Get helicopter ride, five-star hotel, porter, and permit included in the Aconcagua Deluxe- see below for details.


  • Aconcagua Nor­mal Route

    $5,850 – 21 Days / Includes trav­el time/​2025 price sub­ject to change

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room) – $425


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

The total num­ber of days for your trip includes all trav­el to and from your des­ti­na­tion, with some excep­tions. Dates list­ed on the web­site start with a depar­ture date from the U.S. and include the day you arrive home. For this trip you will need to arrive in Men­doza, Argenti­na on Day 2. You can arrive any time on Day 2. This neces­si­tates an overnight flight from the U.S. begin­ning on Day 1 of the itin­er­ary. Typ­i­cal­ly, the route to Men­doza is through San­ti­a­go, Chile. You will be met at the air­port by a Moun­tain Mad­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tive and trans­ferred to your hotel.

Your return flight home will also be an overnight flight depart­ing from Men­doza dur­ing the day on Day 20 of the itin­er­ary for a night flight back to the U.S. or your final des­ti­na­tion. Please con­tact our office for any help need­ed with flight schedule


  • Aconcagua Nor­mal Route


    21 Days / Includes trav­el time/​2025 price sub­ject to change

    Book Trip


22,841 ft / 6962 m


Nor­mal Route along the North­west Ridge

Guide Ratio

3:1 client to guide ratio



This climb is suit­ed for begin­ning climbers who are in excel­lent phys­i­cal con­di­tion with basic moun­taineer­ing expe­ri­ence and some high alti­tude expe­ri­ence. For addi­tion­al info see Qual­i­fi­ca­tions sec­tion in page overview.