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Mount Logan the highest peak in Canada guided expedition with Mountain Madness

Mount Logan Expedition

The Perfect Alternative to Denali. Scale unimaginable, Location Remote.

The climb of Mount Logan, Canada’s high­est peak, is sim­i­lar to Denali in expe­di­tion char­ac­ter and length, yet more extreme due to its remote­ness and lev­el of com­mit­ment. Our guid­ed ascent to Mount Logan epit­o­mizes Moun­tain Mad­ness’ spir­it of adven­ture and will pro­vide a huge chal­lenge, but one with incred­i­ble

Every­thing about the trip is big, includ­ing the scale of the region’s geog­ra­phy, which is enor­mous. Not only is Mount Logan’s bulk more than any oth­er moun­tain in the West­ern Hemi­sphere,” but its neigh­bors – Mount Saint Elias, Mount Bona, Mount King and McArthur – boast equal­ly mas­sive relief and equal­ly sto­ried moun­taineer­ing his­to­ries. With this scale comes iso­la­tion, so team mem­bers may well feel they are the only ones around for miles and miles, expe­ri­enc­ing wilder­ness in the purest sense.

Although com­pa­ra­ble with oth­er big moun­tain clas­sics, such as Aconcagua, Mount Ever­est, Vin­son, and Nun, Mount Logan is often over­looked, but cer­tain­ly among the great­est expe­di­tions on the planet.


  • Mount Logan Pric­ing 2025

    from $10,775 – 25 Days

    Includes Glacier flights and shuttle from Whitehorse to Kluane Lake (RT)

    • 3:2 - 13,400 per person
    • 4:2 - 11,600 per person
    • 5:2 - 10,775 per person




Flight Information

Group mem­bers fly into White­horse in Yukon Ter­ri­to­ries and must be present for the team meet­ing at 9 am on Day 1 of the expe­di­tion. We will then trans­fer via van to Klu­ane Lake for pick up by Ulti­ma Thule Air Taxi Service.

Logan is a big, seri­ous moun­tain with big moun­tain weath­er, geog­ra­phy and acclima­ti­za­tion issues. The fol­low­ing itin­er­ary rep­re­sents a very basic out­line of what could hap­pen on a giv­en day dur­ing the course of a Logan expe­di­tion. Many fac­tors can, and prob­a­bly will, con­tribute to cause the fol­low­ing sched­ule to change. Our guides know the moun­tain and may elect to depart from this itin­er­ary in order to give you the best pos­si­ble shot at get­ting to the summit.


  • Mount Logan Pric­ing 2025

    from $10,775

    25 Days

    Includes Glacier flights and shuttle from Whitehorse to Kluane Lake (RT)

    • 3:2 - 13,400 per person
    • 4:2 - 11,600 per person
    • 5:2 - 10,775 per person
    Book Trip


19,545 ft / 5957 m


King Trench



Climbers should be comfortable on 45 to 60 degree snow/ice slopes, waterfall ice climbing up to WI2-WI3, and/or moderate rock from 5.6-5.8+. Participants will have a well-rounded history of climbing experience.