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- May 15, 2017
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Mount Logan Expedition Heads to Base Camp
Our Logan ExpeÂdiÂtion, led by head guide Pablo PurunÂcaÂjas and assisÂtant guide Nick Malik, is finalÂly headÂed to Base Camp today! They’ve been waitÂing for a weathÂer winÂdow, which also creÂatÂed a backÂlog of peoÂple wantÂiÂng limÂitÂed flights. They’ve spent the past few days in WhiteÂhorse doing prep work and keepÂing themÂselves enterÂtained, but now are ready to take the two-hour flight from KluÂane Lake to the BC on QuintiÂno SelÂla GlacÂiÂer (8860 ft/​2700m).
Next on the team’s agenÂda is a six-hour carÂry to the entrance of King’s Trench.

KluÂane Lake (top) and the plane at Base Camp, from our 2016 ExpeÂdiÂtion. Dave Green photos
The 2017 team of Pablo, TakayaÂsu, and Nick. MM photo