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Mount Baker glacier climbing course

Mount Baker Glacier Mountaineering Course

Comprehensive Instruction and Ascent of Mount Baker

Mount Bak­er is set in a spec­tac­u­lar alpine envi­ron­ment in the North Cas­cades. This climb­ing course pro­vides abun­dant instruc­tion and train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in the craft of moun­taineer­ing. The class cul­mi­nates with one of the most sought after Cas­cades sum­mits — Mount Bak­er. This course is a fun­da­men­tal build­ing block of our climb­ing school and pro­vides moun­taineer­ing skills for snow, ice, glac­i­er, and rock climb­ing. If you want to pre­pare for a big­ger expe­di­tion or gain the skills to climb on your own with­out a guide, this if the course for you. The goal is to devel­op com­pe­tent, self-reliant alpine climbers. The course cul­mi­nates in the appli­ca­tion of skills learned toward the ascent of a major glaciat­ed peak such as Mount Bak­er or Mount Shuksan.


  • Mount Bak­er Glac­i­er Moun­taineer­ing Course

    $1,675 – 6 Days


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

For sched­uled cours­es and climbs, you should fly into Seat­tle-Taco­ma Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (SeaT­ac). You are respon­si­ble for your trans­porta­tion to down­town Seat­tle. You will meet as a group with your guide(s) ear­ly morn­ing on Day 1 for an ori­en­ta­tion meet­ing and equip­ment check. 


View Our Rentals
  • Mount Bak­er Glac­i­er Moun­taineer­ing Course


    6 Days

    Book Course


10,781 ft / 3286 m


Eas­t­on Glac­i­er on Mount Baker 

Client to Guide Ratio

5:1, 3:1 for the final ascent



Advanced Beginner

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