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Cotopaxi and volcanoes of Ecuador perfect for guided expedition tours and climbs with Mountain Madness

Ecuador Volcanoes Expedition

Fantastic Food, Culture and Ascents to over 20,000 feet / 6,000 meters

Ecuador’s famous Avenue of the Vol­ca­noes” offers some of the finest begin­ner to inter­me­di­ate guid­ed moun­taineer­ing in the Andes, set amid a fas­ci­nat­ing cul­tur­al back­drop. The com­bi­na­tion of chal­leng­ing vol­cano climbs, charm­ing hacien­das, amaz­ing food, and great Ecuado­ri­an guides makes this one of our most enjoy­able adven­tures and one of the best intro­duc­tions to high alti­tude moun­taineer­ing for advanced begin­ners and a chal­leng­ing trip for sea­soned moun­taineers as well.

These climbs or the Ecuador Moun­taineer­ing School are excel­lent ways to pre­pare for Aconcagua, Indi­a’s Nun, Peru’s Chopikal­ki, and oth­er big­ger 6,000−8,000 meter summits.

Mountain Madness-style defined/​Meals included and more services provided

Food is love and we love food! Sam­pling local Ecuado­ri­an cui­sine is an inter­est­ing part of this expe­di­tion, that’s why Moun­tain Mad­ness makes eat­ing an impor­tant ele­ment of this trip- and with a few excep­tions, all meals are includ­ed so you can relax and enjoy the expe­ri­ence! Like­wise, all overnights are includ­ed in the cost and includ­ed care­ful­ly cho­sen hacien­das where you can enjoy the ambi­ence of com­forts of Ecuado­ri­an hos­pi­tal­i­ty in fine style.


  • Ecuador Vol­ca­noes

    $4,150 – 11 Days / Includes trav­el time

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room) – $695

  • Ecuador Vol­ca­noes w/​Chimb­o­ra­zo Extension

    $5,175 – 14 Days / Includes trav­el time

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room) with Chimb­o­ra­zo Extension – $775


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

The total num­ber of days for your trip includes all trav­el to and from your des­ti­na­tion, with some excep­tions. Dates list­ed on the web­site start with a depar­ture date from the U.S. and include the day you arrive home. For this trip you will need to arrive in Quito, Ecuador on Day 1, which in most cas­es will have arrival times late evening; any­where from 7 pm to 11:30 pm. You will be met at the air­port by a Moun­tain Mad­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tive and trans­ferred to your hotel.


  • Ecuador Vol­ca­noes


    11 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Book Trip
  • Ecuador Vol­ca­noes w/​Chimb­o­ra­zo Extension


    14 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Book Trip


Cayambe 18,997 ft / 5790 m 

Cotopaxi 19,347 ft / 5897 m 

Chimb­o­ra­zo 20,703 ft / 6310 m


Nor­mal Routes

Client to Guide Ratio

2:1 – 3:1


Advanced Beginner

Climbers should have basic snow and ice-climbing skills and should be comfortable with glacier travel, which includes moving in a rope team, self arrest, and basic crevasse rescue. Basic knowledge and experience would be required for objectives with some rock climbing.

Climbs to Prepare for Ecuador

Extend Your Trip