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- Dec 18, 2017
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Cotopaxi success

MadÂness team on the sumÂmit of Cotopaxi. Joshua JarÂrin photo
Cotopaxi sucÂcess! SecÂond trip of the seaÂson and we’re all so hapÂpy the mounÂtain is open for climbers. Our secÂond team reportÂed good conÂdiÂtions and that the mounÂtain is overÂall in great shape for climbÂing. After an acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion ascent on Illiniza Norte the team made good work of the Coto climb. ConÂgrats to all of them!

Cotopaxi descent. Joshua JarÂrin photo
PlenÂty of time left to go south and climb in the Avenue of the VolÂcaÂnoes. Trips run from now into late FebÂruÂary, and then start up again in June.

Views on Cotopaxi. Joshua JarÂrin photos