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- Jun 27, 2014
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First Ecuador Climbs of the Season Underway!
It’s that time again! We have kicked off our Ecuador seaÂson with Ossy Freire takÂing four climbers on our Ecuador VolÂcaÂnoes expeÂdiÂtion. First up, Cayambe!
Here are some shots of their first couÂple days on their adventure.

The team with Ecuador in the backÂground. OswalÂdo Freire photo

VisÂitÂing the EquaÂtor! OswalÂdo Freire photo

On the sumÂmit of Rucu PichÂinÂcha. OswalÂdo Freire photo

AccliÂmaÂtizÂing on Cayambe. OswalÂdo Freire photo

A litÂtle too windy to keep the camÂera steady, but they got nice weathÂer in the afterÂnoon! OswalÂdo Freire photo