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Ice climbing in Ouray Colorado during course and instruction with mountain madness

Colorado Beginner Ice Course

Sharpen your tools and start swinging on the best ice in the west

If you’ve ever dreamed of climb­ing water ice, Ouray, Col­orado is the place to go for instruc­tion. With a world-renowned Ice Park, and incred­i­ble access to back­coun­try ice in the sur­round­ing San Juan Moun­tains, Ouray offers a unique envi­ron­ment that enables an aspir­ing ice climber to progress rapid­ly — the ide­al loca­tion for a course. This is the place to start if you have goals of climb­ing alpine clas­sics like the North Ridge of Mount Bak­er, the incred­i­ble Ama Dablam, the jour­ney in the Khum­bu ice­fall, or just want to progress onto more dif­fi­cult water­fall ice climbs.

Already ice climb? The check out some guided classics.

Our guides have decades of expe­ri­ence instruct­ing and guid­ing climbers of all abil­i­ty lev­els. We have devel­oped a com­pre­hen­sive cur­ricu­lum that cov­ers every­thing you need to become a con­fi­dent and com­pe­tent ice climber. Our mul­ti-day cours­es cov­er an array of skills such as the fun­da­men­tals of move­ment, route find­ing, tech­ni­cal skills like anchor-build­ing, belays, tran­si­tions, and res­cue techniques. 


  • Col­orado Begin­ner Ice Course

    $550 – 2 Days

    Minimum 2 participants


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

Ouray is locat­ed in the SW cor­ner of the state of Col­orado. The air­port near­est Ouray is approx­i­mate­ly 40 miles away in Mon­trose, Col­orado. If you fly, plan on arriv­ing the day before the course begins. Rental cars are avail­able at the Mon­trose airport.


  • Col­orado Begin­ner Ice Course


    2 Days

    Minimum 2 participants

    Book Course

Client to Instructor Ratio


