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Nepal Island Peak Climbing Expedition with Mountain Madness

Island Peak Expedition with Gokyo trek

Great First Time Himalayan Climb

This expe­di­tion in Nepal is a great first Himalayan climb­ing expe­ri­ence that includes glac­i­er trav­el, mod­er­ate snow and ice climb­ing while ascend­ing a 20,000+ foot / 6000+ meter moun­tain. On the way to Island Peak you’ll trek to Gokyo and over Cho La pass, which includes a the walk-up ascent of Gokyo Ri, pro­vid­ing you with face-to-face views of Cho Oyu and oth­er stun­ning peaks such as Cholatse and all the way over to Makalu. And you’ll cap off your acclima­ti­za­tion with a walk up Kala Pat­tar before trekking to Island Peak and your main objective.

Three ascents on this expedition to Gokyo Ri (17,580 ft/​5360 m), Kala Pattar (18,450 ft/​5624 m), & Island Peak (20,305 ft/​6189 m)

Our guides show you a coun­try of friend­ly peo­ple, mag­nif­i­cent scenery, and a vari­ety of cul­tur­al tra­di­tions. This blend of out­door adven­ture, a vis­it to Ever­est Base Camp, three high points, and cul­tur­al explo­ration is a great way to expe­ri­ence the Himalayan Moun­tains — the world’s most impres­sive moun­tain range — and is sure to cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries and pro­vide you with a sat­is­fy­ing sense of accom­plish­ment of break­ing the 20,00-foot barrier!


  • Island Peak

    $6,400 – 24 Days / Includes trav­el time

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room) – $675


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

The total num­ber of days for your trip includes all trav­el to and from your des­ti­na­tion, with some excep­tions. Dates list­ed on the web­site start with your depar­ture date from the US and include the day you arrive home. 

For this trip you will need to arrive in Kath­man­du, Nepal on Day 3 of the itin­er­ary. You will cross the date line in mid-flight to Asia, thus los­ing a day. If you are trav­el­ing from out­side the US. your itin­er­ary may require less time to reach Kath­man­du, so all that is required is that you arrive on Day 3 of the itin­er­ary, where Moun­tain Mad­ness ser­vices begin. If you arrive ear­ly, we can assist with extra hotel arrange­ments and activ­i­ties. Oth­er­wise, you can arrive at any time on Day 3. You will be met at the air­port by a Moun­tain Mad­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tive and trans­ferred to your hotel. 


  • Island Peak


    24 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Book Trip


Island Peak 20,305 ft / 6189 m 

Gokyo Ri 17,580 ft / 5360 m 

Kala Pat­tar 18,450 ft/​5624 m


Nor­mal Route


Advanced Beginner

Climbers should have basic snow and ice-climb­ing skills and should be com­fort­able with glac­i­er trav­el, which includes mov­ing in a rope team, self arrest, and basic crevasse res­cue. While the tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ty is not extreme, the over­all phys­i­cal dif­fi­cul­ty makes it a chal­leng­ing trip. Team mem­bers will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to prac­tice ascend­ing fixed ropes while on the expedition.

Breaking The 20,000 Foot / 6,000 Meter Barrier