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Colin on Ruth Mountain summit Shuksan in background FB


On Moun­tain Mad­ness cus­tom trips in the Cas­cades, you’ll enjoy extra ser­vices not pro­vid­ed by oth­er out­fit­ters! Most notably, all your meals will be pro­vid­ed by Moun­tain Mad­ness — and your guide does the cook­ing! Your cus­tom trip is a great way to push your lim­its, pick your own route; or design a spe­cial itin­er­ary for your­self, a small group of friends, fam­i­ly, busi­ness asso­ciates, or old col­lege buddies. 

Climbers in the Cas­cades will find ancient forests, cas­cad­ing water­falls, hun­dreds of glac­i­ers, pris­tine alpine lakes and mead­ows, and wildlife that include wolves, bears, mar­mots, moun­tain goats, and a vari­ety of birds. Because of its rugged approach­es, excep­tion­al alpine ter­rain, and unri­valed scenery, it is the pre­mière play­ground for moun­taineers in North America. 

You make your own plan in con­sul­ta­tion with our office and can spend one day or as many as you can man­age out in the wilds. Some tried-and-true clas­sic cus­tom trips include Mount Bak­er’s Eas­t­on Glac­i­er route, Mount Shuk­san, or the diverse offer­ings in our Alpine Clas­sics sec­tion. Check these out to get start­ed and let us know what get’s you fired up for some adven­ture! The Cas­cades have enough to keep you adven­tur­ing for the rest of your life, but they also get you ready for the world’s high­er moun­tains, like Aconcagua, the high­est peak in South Amer­i­ca, or the vol­canic peaks of Ecuador that resem­ble the Cas­cades but soar over 20,000-feet. The Cas­cades will get you where you want to go, wher­ev­er that might be…

To Make Arrangements Please Book Here


Client to Guide Ratio / Per Per­son / Day:

  • 1:1
    • $580/ per per­son / day (one day trips up to 12 hours)
    • $625 / per per­son / day (overnight trips) 
  • 2:1 — $450 / per per­son / day
  • 3:1 — $375 / per per­son / day
  • 4:1 — $325 / per per­son / day
  • 5:1 — $300 / per per­son / day
  • 6:1 — $275 / per per­son / day

Porter — $300 / day (Mileage fees apply for porters used for par­tial itineraries)

Price Includes

  • Guide ser­vices
  • All meals while on the mountain 
  • Tents
  • Group climb­ing equipment

Price Does Not Include

  • Air­fare
  • Trans­porta­tion — Guests will be respon­si­ble for guide(s) trans­porta­tion for the trip
  • Hotel accom­mo­da­tions
  • All addi­tion­al fees — Camp­ing, per­mit, park­ing, etc.
  • Restau­rant meals
  • All per­son­al equipment
  • Trav­el insur­ance with trip can­cel­la­tion, med­ical and evac­u­a­tion policy
  • Guide gra­tu­ities