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Cascade Classics Sampler

The word alpine” calls forth many images – high glaciat­ed ter­rain, diverse and tech­ni­cal climb­ing chal­lenges, wild weath­er, and expo­sure. These peaks offer the type of climb­ing that, after a suc­ces­sion of these ascents, help you devel­op a full reper­toire of skills and expe­ri­ence to climb moun­tains across the globe, such as the Sev­en Sum­mits, or broad­en your hori­zons for fur­ther climbs in the Cascades. 

Whether you join us high in the North Cas­cades on Mount Bak­er, the best imag­in­able intro­duc­tion to glac­i­er climb­ing; or find your­self in the wilds of the North Cas­cades on remote Mount Goode; the more you climb here, the more you are called up into the alpine.” Our Alpine Climb­ing Pro­gram pro­vides a full range of climbs from begin­ner to advanced in the best ter­rain avail­able. And you’ll enjoy our wide­ly-acclaimed Moun­tain Mad­ness-style service!

Check out the offer­ings below and get excit­ed about climb­ing amidst pic­turesque glac­i­ers and rugged ridgelines!

These climbs are all done on a cus­tom basis.