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Alaska customs


Moun­tain Mad­ness is excit­ed for you to join us in the Alas­ka Range! Any trip to the remote and chal­leng­ing peaks of Alas­ka is a spec­tac­u­lar, once-in-a-life­time expe­ri­ence. All trips start in Anchor­age and then to the small town of Tal­keet­na where you fly via glac­i­er plane to estab­lished land­ing sites through­out the range. Prices are deter­mined by num­ber of climbers and days. Addi­tion­al cost for glac­i­er flights and shut­tle will be booked and paid for through Moun­tain Mad­ness. Guests are respon­si­ble to pay for both their own and their guide(s) flights. Price will be split among the group with two or more climbers.

Whether catch­ing some turns in the Ruth Gorge, thread­ing your way up the famous Ham-n-Eggs route on the Moose’s Tooth, climb­ing the much sought after Mount Hunter West Ridge, or tak­ing the com­mit­ting chal­lenge of Peak 11,300, the Alas­ka Range deliv­ers on so many lev­els. Let us know what you think and we’ll sort out the objec­tive and the details for you.

To Make Arrangements Please Book Here.


1:1 $1,155 per day 

Price Includes

  • Guide ser­vices
  • All meals while on the mountain
  • Tents
  • Group climb­ing equipment

Price Does Not Include

  • Air­fare
  • Shut­tle to and from Anchor­age to Tal­keet­na (this will be booked and paid for through Moun­tain Madness)
  • Glac­i­er flights for guides and guests (this will be booked and paid for through Moun­tain Madness)
  • Hotel accom­mo­da­tions
  • All addi­tion­al fees — Camp­ing, per­mit, park­ing, etc.
  • Restau­rant meals
  • All per­son­al equipment
  • Trav­el insur­ance with trip can­cel­la­tion, med­ical and evac­u­a­tion pol­i­cy (this is HIGH­LY rec­om­mend­ed based on the uncer­tain­ty of the weath­er and logis­tics involved with evac­u­a­tion. If poor weath­er does move in, we can­not bump itin­er­aries or add addi­tion­al days). Please make sure you research all cov­er­age provided.
  • Guide gra­tu­ities