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Private climbs, courses and treks 

If you see a trip you like, but the dates aren’t quite right, or you want to have the inti­ma­cy of just you and your sig­nif­i­cant oth­er or just your fam­i­ly or friends; we can make it hap­pen! At Moun­tain Mad­ness all of our pri­vate trips will fol­low the same itin­er­ary as our pre-sched­uled climbs and treks – but, we can also change-up itin­er­aries, or add in extra fea­tures and ser­vices, all to make your jour­ney unique. And if there is a des­ti­na­tion that you do not see offered, let us know, we’ve been at this for decades and can pull togeth­er our resources and get you the itin­er­ary you are look­ing for. And of course if you have a favorite guide, let us know and we’ll get them onboard with you.

How much does a private climb or trek cost?

As long as your group size reach­es a min­i­mum num­ber, then the price per per­son will be the same as our pre-sched­uled dates. This will vary from one trip to the next, so call our office for details​.To accom­mo­date var­i­ous bud­gets we can also change things up a bit to low­er the cost with­out com­pro­mis­ing the lev­el of ser­vice, or if you want this to be the trip of a life­time, we can upgrade to your heart’s content! 

What dates are available for my private trip?

All our trips are sched­uled with opti­mal times in mind for weath­er, climb­ing con­di­tions, cul­tur­al events, and so forth. For this rea­son, we ask that you start your plan­ning as soon as you have an idea of what you are look­ing for, and we’ll be ready to help you. This does not require a finan­cial com­mit­ment on your part, but will help us gauge our needs for staff, hotel reser­va­tions, and oth­er ser­vices that require advance notice until you are ready to sign-up for the trip.

Will I get the same services as a scheduled climb?

Yes! There will be no dif­fer­ence in ser­vices pro­vid­ed on a pri­vate trip. You will still have the same qual­i­fied guides, up to date equip­ment, and opti­mal acclima­ti­za­tion pro­gram offered on our reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled trips. And as men­tioned, you can scale-back on ser­vice to save mon­ey or notch-it-up for the ulti­mate experience. 

Are there age restrictions?

If you have a cus­tom trip you can bring the whole fam­i­ly along. Depend­ing on the age of par­tic­i­pants, there may be some addi­tion­al ser­vices we’d rec­om­mend. For exam­ple, on a Mount Bak­er climb with pre-teens, we may sug­gest a porter be uti­lized and pos­si­bly an addi­tion­al guide., but all these details are eas­i­ly arranged and will depend on the objective.

To make arrangements please Contact Us.