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denli prep instruction includes learning to pull sleds on Mountain Madness course

Denali Prep Course

Learn all the skills and tricks of the trade for Arctic-type expeditions

This course is held on the slopes of Mount Rainier – the Muir Snow­field, the Nisqually, Cowlitz and Par­adise Glac­i­ers – and will be con­duct­ed expe­di­tion style,” mov­ing camp to camp. For the climber who is aspir­ing to par­tic­i­pate in, or lead an expe­di­tion to Denali, Mount Logan, or the Vin­son Mas­sif – or oth­er sim­i­lar large glaciat­ed peaks in South Amer­i­ca, Asia, or the Arc­tic regions, this course gets you ready for the spe­cif­ic skills relat­ed to extend­ed liv­ing on glac­i­ers in poten­tial­ly extreme weath­er. Pulling sleds, build­ing secure camps, nav­i­gat­ing crevassed ter­rain, exe­cut­ing res­cue tech­niques, climb­ing with full packs, ascend­ing fixed ropes, and for­mu­lat­ing a trip plan are all nec­es­sary skills required for safe trav­el in the some­times harsh envi­ron­ments on the big­ger peaks in the world.


The slopes and glac­i­ers of Mount Rainier

Client to guide ratio



7,500+ ft / 2286+ m



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