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- Jul 26, 2013
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Third Elbrus Team Heads To The Mountain
Elbrus Team # 3 checkÂing in from the BakÂsan ValÂley. CrossÂing our finÂgers that the weathÂer returns to favorÂable conÂdiÂtions for this group! Stay tuned for more news from the mountain.

Elbrus Team #3. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
“We are headÂing up to the BarÂrels tomorÂrow. Things have been going smoothÂly, minus the usuÂalÂly bump in the RussÂian road. YesÂterÂday, the Cheget Ski MounÂtain, which sits withÂin a few miles of the GeorÂgian borÂder and is the norÂmal venue for our first acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion hike, was closed due to borÂder conÂtrol. ApparÂentÂly, some peoÂple had been crossÂing the borÂder withÂout perÂmisÂsion and that is frowned upon. The milÂiÂtary had stepped in to check into this situation.

Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
“Instead, we rode the Mt. Elbrus tram to the midÂway staÂtion and hiked west through glacÂiÂer moraines, streams and ablatÂed ice. It was a beauÂtiÂful hike and affordÂed us unique views of both Elbrus and the CauÂcaÂsus. HowÂevÂer, the elecÂtricÂiÂty was cut for the entire base area vilÂlage and, instead of takÂing the tram down, we had to hoof it down to lunch. The weathÂer seems to have melÂlowed a bit from the stormy patÂtern this seaÂson. We are all excitÂed to get estabÂlished on the mounÂtain and start climbing.”
~ MM Guide Tino Villanueva

Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo