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- Aug 11, 2011
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Bolivia climbers stand atop Huayna Potosi and Illimani!
Mountain Madness climbers from the Bolivia Mountaineering School called in yesterday with a successful report of Huayna Potosì and Illimani! Each climber that had previously reached the summit of Pequeño Alpamayo had said that it was the most challenging climb they had ever completed. But the team rested up and continued their crevasse rescue training before heading out to the next great challenges! The guide team rewarded their hard work with pizzas waiting for the group at the trailhead on their training day.

Illimani. Oyvind Boeisen photo
MM Guide Ian Nicholson called in today from the summit of the Condor’s Nest at 18,200 feet. Today, MM Guide Joshua Jarrin summited Illimani with Kristen Bennett! Congratulations to them both! Congratulations are also in order for father and son team Geoffrey and Peter Clark who came within 200 feet of the summit as well. Ian reports that the conditions were “wicked cold!” However, the views have been spectacular., Ian breathlessly reported on the sat phone today that the Cordillera Real is one of the most impressive mountain ranges he has ever seen. They are breaking camp and descending to their last camp at 14,800 feet before hiking out.
Stay tuned for a full trip report with photos when they return!