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- Jun 05, 2014
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Kicking off the Bolivia Season with Success!
MM Guide GasÂpar NavarÂrete briefly checked in between stelÂlar climbs in Bolivia with the first team of the seaÂson while they take a short break in La Paz before headÂing off to HuayÂna PotoÂsi. Our Bolivia MounÂtaineerÂing School and HuayÂna PotoÂsi and IlliÂmani climbs bring you to the heart of Bolivia for culÂturÂal exploÂration and some great, remote climbÂing! Take a look at some of the phoÂtos from the curÂrent trip and stay tuned for more stoÂries of their sucÂcessÂes when they return!
The ecolodge in CopacaÂbana. GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo
OfferÂing flowÂers to Lake TitÂiÂcaÂca in a short cerÂeÂmoÂny for the trip. GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo
City tour of La Paz. GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo
The climbÂing team, John and Chok with their local guide Rose Mary. GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo
AscendÂing Pico TarÂiÂja. GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo
John and Chok on the sumÂmit! GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo
TraÂdiÂtionÂal BoliÂvian way to freeze-dry potaÂtoes to make them last year round. GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo

Next up… HuayÂna PotoÂsi! GasÂpar NavarÂrete photo