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Climbing trekking ski mountain guide company and school

Matterhorn Climb

Most Iconic And Dramatic Mountain In The Swiss Alps

The Mat­ter­horn is the most rec­og­niz­able and dra­mat­ic moun­tain in the Swiss Alps. It’s clas­sic shape pulls in even non-climbers, the allure of the sum­mit too much to ignore. But, for would-be climbers, it’s dra­mat­ic slopes actu­al­ly offer rea­son­able ter­rain for inter­me­di­ate lev­el moun­taineers. With prop­er expe­ri­ence and good fit­ness, the sum­mit is attain­able for moti­vat­ed climbers. The climb offers incred­i­ble scenery, the lux­u­ry of well-main­tained huts, and fab­u­lous food – mak­ing this adven­ture into what we like to call a climb­ing hol­i­day,” on one of the world’s most rec­og­niz­able peaks.

Enjoy two of the world’s climbing epicenters; Chamonix and Zermatt.

Climbers will become accli­ma­tized while hik­ing and climb­ing around Cha­monix, which will also give your guides a chance to assess your skills and pre­pare you for the ascent of the Mat­ter­horn. We then climb the clas­sic Horn­li Ridge on mod­er­ate and exposed alpine climb­ing ter­rain. From the Horn­li Hut we gain 4,000 feet / 1219 meters of ele­va­tion before reach­ing the airy 14,697 foot / 4480 meter summit!


  • Mat­ter­horn

    from $4,225 – 6 Days / In coun­try

    • 1:1 - $5,550 per person
    • 2:1 - $4,225 per person


Climb is Arranged on a Custom Basis — Contact Us



An Alps trip is a true climber’s hol­i­day.” Your nights will be spent in the com­fort of huts, which pro­vide hot meals and a warm, dry place to sleep. While in town, you are free to stay in the hotel of your choice — if you are on a bud­get you can stay in hos­tels, or if you want to pam­per your­self, go for the stel­lar five-star accommodations. 

Objec­tives dur­ing your time in Cha­monix will depend on weath­er and con­di­tions. Par­tic­i­pants will have a hotel for the entire time, although there may be a hut night, which will be decid­ed dur­ing the trip.

Flight Information

Unlike most Moun­tain Mad­ness inter­na­tion­al trip itin­er­aries, which include trav­el time to and from your des­ti­na­tion, our Alps sched­ules begin on the first day of ser­vice in country.


  • Mat­ter­horn

    from $4,225

    6 Days / In coun­try

    • 1:1 - $5,550 per person
    • 2:1 - $4,225 per person
    Book Trip


14,697 ft / 4480 m


Horn­li Ridge

Guide Ratio

1:1 or 2:1 client to guide ratio*

* The ascent of the Mat­ter­horn is guid­ed at 1:1 on all trips



Depending on the objective, climbers should be comfortable on steeper snow/ice slopes and/or 5.5-5.7 rock climbing experience. You should have a past climbing experience with proven skills. Certain climbs may require only snow/ice skills, but not require rock skills; and vice-versa.

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