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rock climbing in Washington cascade mountains and liberty bell

North Cascades Alpine Rock Course and Climb

Learn new skills with comprehensive instruction capped off with a climb of Liberty Bell Mountain

Gym climbers and those with lit­tle to no expe­ri­ence can take it to the next lev­el on this trip. This rock climb­ing school takes place in the idyl­lic town of Maza­ma and ven­tures up to Wash­ing­ton Pass for a taste of the Cas­cades best alpine rock. This course gives stu­dents a sol­id skill base in all aspects of alpine rock climb­ing and includes ascents of South Ear­ly Win­ter Spire and Lib­er­ty Bell Moun­tain. And for those with future objec­tives in mind, it is an excel­lent way to pre­pare for climbs like the Mat­ter­horn in the Swiss Alps and Carsten­sz Pyra­mid in Iri­an Jaya. 


  • Alpine Rock Course and Climb

    $1,275 – 4 Days

    Minimum 2 climbers


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

For sched­uled cours­es and climbs, you should fly into Seat­tle-Taco­ma Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (SeaT­ac). You are respon­si­ble for your trans­porta­tion to down­town Seat­tle. You will meet as a group with your guide(s) ear­ly morn­ing on Day 1 for an ori­en­ta­tion meet­ing and equip­ment check.


View Our Rentals
  • Alpine Rock Course and Climb


    4 Days

    Minimum 2 climbers

    Book Course

Client to guide ratio

4:1, 2:1 for alpine routes


Advanced Beginner