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Mattern Hornli Hut

The Alps deliver, despite some challenging conditions

For the last two weeks of August, MonĀ­iĀ­ca G. and Jody R. joined MounĀ­tain MadĀ­ness on climbs in France and SwitzerĀ­land. Mont Blanc was one of the options but we switched to othĀ­er goals due to rock fall hazĀ­ards on the Gouter Couloir.

The Alps are with so many objecĀ­tives that it is easy to change your itinĀ­erĀ­ary. So, we instead climbed the Cochon on the Clocher de PlanĀ­praz, a beauĀ­tiĀ­ful spire on the AiguĀ­illes Rouges. Then the Petite AiguĀ­ille Verte and finalĀ­ly the AiguĀ­ille du Tour. Three rocky peaks in the French alps, all of them clasĀ­sics of the massif.

(All phoĀ­tos by Joshua Jarrin)

Approaching to the Clocher d Planpraz

ApproachĀ­ing to the Clocher d Planpraz.

Summit of the Clocher Cochon

Jody and Joshua the sumĀ­mit of the Clocher-Cochon.

Final ridge of Petite Aiguille Verte

MonĀ­iĀ­ca on the final ridge of Petite AiguĀ­ille Verte.

Aiguille du Tour

Jody on the AiguĀ­ille du Tour.

Summit of Aiguille

Joshua and Jody on the SumĀ­mit of AiguĀ­ille du Tour.

The climbs in the French Alps preĀ­pared the team for the secĀ­ond part part of the trip: the MatĀ­terĀ­horn. On the 25th we travĀ­eled from ChaĀ­monix to ZerĀ­matt. UnforĀ­tuĀ­nateĀ­ly, a recent storm had just dropped lots of snow on the mounĀ­tain. We conĀ­sidĀ­ered othĀ­er options, but the sumĀ­mit of the MatĀ­terĀ­horn was the goal, along with the expeĀ­riĀ­ence of being there. With the conĀ­diĀ­tions in mind, we went to the HƶrnĀ­li hut, set on givĀ­ing it our best, but knowĀ­ing we might need to turn around due to conditions.

Indeed, the snow conĀ­diĀ­tions were not favorĀ­able. With the posĀ­siĀ­bilĀ­iĀ­ty of a tricky, snow and ice-covĀ­ered descent causĀ­ing conĀ­cern, we decidĀ­ed to go back to the HƶrnĀ­li hut. Since it was still earĀ­ly in the day, we crossed over to the BreĀ­iĀ­thorn and climbed this peak, a great conĀ­soĀ­laĀ­tion prize! The Alps are always so great because of the diverse climbs to be done in maybe not the best conĀ­diĀ­tions, which proved to be the case for us- a hapĀ­py finĀ­ish to the trip and a lofty summit!



View from the Hornli hut

MonĀ­iĀ­ca and Jody enjoyĀ­ing the view from the HƶrnĀ­li hut.


EarĀ­ly mornĀ­ing ascent on the MatĀ­terĀ­horn. Due to lots of snow this year we turned around.

MonĀ­iĀ­ca and AlberĀ­to on the sumĀ­mit of Breithorn.

~ MM Guide Joshua Jarrin

(All phoĀ­tos by Joshua Jarrin)