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Climbing on the Eiger in the Alps with Mountain Madness


An incredibly aesthetic route on one of the world’s most storied peaks

The Mit­tel­le­gi Ridge on the Eiger is a true alpine climb­ing clas­sic. Though not as famous as its more chal­leng­ing neigh­bor, the North Face, the Mit­tel­le­gi Ridge is a won­der­ful route on excel­lent rock. It ascends a tremen­dous­ly exposed ridge to the sum­mit of one of the most famous moun­tains in the Alps. This two-day climb makes use of a con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed hut perched in an amaz­ing­ly dra­mat­ic posi­tion, high along the ridge. Use of this hut allows us to climb rel­a­tive­ly unen­cum­bered. The Mit­tel­le­gi Hut is one of the finest huts found any­where. Immac­u­late­ly con­struct­ed and well main­tained, a night spent here is a real delight.


13,025 ft / 3970 m


Mit­tel­le­gi Ridge

Guide Ratio

1:1 Client to Guide Ratio for entire trip


Advanced Intermediate

Climbers should be comfortable climbing on exposed ridges, 45 to 60 degree snow/ice slopes and/or 5.6+ rock and have a well-rounded past history of climbing experience. Depending on the objective, climbers may need only snow/ice skills or only rock skills; and vice-versa. Some climbs may require both skill sets.

Climbs to Prepare for the Eiger