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Tigers Nest Bhutan Mountain Madness Shutterstock 222428650

Bhutan Snowman Trek

One of the most challenging treks in the world explores the most remote region of Bhutan

Join us for an unforĀ­getĀ­table advenĀ­ture to the spirĀ­iĀ­tuĀ­al land of Bhutan, nesĀ­tled high in the Himalayas. ExpeĀ­riĀ­ence Bhutanese culĀ­ture and cusĀ­toms, monasĀ­terĀ­ies, and landĀ­scape lush with rhodoĀ­denĀ­dron and alpine forests. BreathĀ­takĀ­ing views of unclimbed sumĀ­mits, high ridges and deep rivĀ­er gorges will reward us. This trek, one of the most chalĀ­lengĀ­ing in the world, crossĀ­es a numĀ­ber of high passĀ­es among 22,966-foot / 7,000-meter peaks and explores the most remote region of Bhutan.

The SnowĀ­man Trek comĀ­bines culĀ­turĀ­al immerĀ­sion, very remote and chalĀ­lengĀ­ing trekking, and visĀ­its to locaĀ­tions shroudĀ­ed in mysĀ­tery. Very few trekkers attempt the SnowĀ­man Trek but those that accept the chalĀ­lenge will be rewardĀ­ed with what is most cerĀ­tainĀ­ly a rare advenĀ­ture and probĀ­aĀ­bly a trip of a lifetime.


  • Bhutan SnowĀ­man Trek

    $10,950 – 27 Days / Includes travĀ­el time

  • SinĀ­gle SupĀ­pleĀ­ment (I want my own room and tent) – $1,400




Flight Information

The total numĀ­ber of days for your trip includes all travĀ­el to and from your desĀ­tiĀ­naĀ­tion, with some excepĀ­tions. Dates listĀ­ed on the webĀ­site start with your deparĀ­ture date from the U.S. and include the day you arrive home. For this trip we will take a group flight between Paro & Bangkok on Day 3 & 26 of the itinĀ­erĀ­ary. This flight will be arranged by MounĀ­tain MadĀ­ness and invoiced sepĀ­aĀ­rateĀ­ly. Please conĀ­firm your flights to/ā€‹from BKK with our office before booking. 


  • Bhutan SnowĀ­man Trek


    27 Days / Includes travĀ­el time

    Book Trip


Rinchen Zoe la pass at 17,470 ft / 5326 m


SnowĀ­man Trek



Similar to level four, but there may be four difficult days in a row over passes and could have elevation gains of more than 3,000 feet / 915 meters. Given multiple difficult days on this level of trek endurance is key and preparation should be more rigorous.

The Most Challenging Treks