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- Nov 18, 2010
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Everest Base Camp Dispatch: Meet the Team!
Here’s the latÂest from Deana ZabalÂdo, who is leadÂing our secÂond EverÂest Base Camp Trek of the seaÂson. Deana is joined by PemÂba GyalÂje SherÂpa, who will be takÂing four memÂbers of our team up to Camp 2 on Mount EverÂest for our KhumÂbu IceÂfall ExtenÂsion. We welÂcome you to folÂlow Deana, who will be leadÂing our fall Bhutan trip as well, and enjoy her reports from high in the Himalayas!

Deana ZabalÂdo photo
It doesÂn’t take anyÂone very long to realÂize that withÂout our supÂport team, we wouldÂn’t get very far. After the first day watchÂing porters carÂry their loads up hours of stone stairÂcasÂes, we are all in appreÂciaÂtive awe of their strength and endurance.

Deana ZabalÂdo photo
RegÂuÂlaÂtions for fair treatÂment of porters means that porters with our trek groups carÂry 75 – 100lbs each, which includes kitchen and food supÂplies as well as emerÂgency supÂport like oxyÂgen and a gamÂmow bag. We also ensure they have warm clothes, good shoes, and are covÂered by emerÂgency insurÂance. Local porters who serve EBC, the teaÂhousÂes, and local vilÂlages along the way don’t have these benÂeÂfits. They will also choose to carÂry more weight to earn more monÂey. The strongest will carÂry up to 220 lbs. each – for hours uphill at high altitude!
This can also present a probÂlem when expeÂdiÂtion porters are givÂen sufÂfiÂcient time for acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion to carÂry heavy loads to base camp, but they disÂreÂgard the rules in order to save their monÂey. Every year, some porter fall sick because they carÂry extremeÂly heavy loads too far, too fast. ForÂtuÂnateÂly, porters with our group travÂel at our pace – and we take good care of them.
HeadÂing up our porters and staff are two key individuals:

Deana ZabalÂdo photo
Six-time EverÂest sumÂmitÂter PemÂba GyalÂje SherÂpa is an expert interÂnaÂtionÂal climber. He was named NationÂal GeoÂgraphÂic AdvenÂture Magazine’s 2008 AdvenÂturÂer of the Year for a couraÂgeous resÂcue durÂing the sumÂmer disÂasÂter on K2 in PakÂistan that year. In addiÂtion to co-guidÂing the first half of the trek, PemÂba will guide climbÂing clients on extenÂsions to the KhumÂbu IceÂfall, EverÂest Camp 2, and/​or nearÂby trekking peaks like Island Peak. AccomÂplished yet down-to-earth, PemÂba is heavÂiÂly involved in the proÂfesÂsionÂalÂizaÂtion of Nepal’s climbÂing indusÂtry and is helpÂing to train Nepal’s first batch of IFMÂGA-cerÂtiÂfied mounÂtain guides.

Deana ZabalÂdo photo
Dawa Nuru SherÂpa has 10 years expeÂriÂence in the trekking indusÂtry. He has been MounÂtain MadÂness’ sirÂdar for the last six, which means that he overÂsees anyÂwhere from 15 to 80 supÂport staff includÂing client escorts, porters, yak driÂvers, and the camp kitchen. Dawa quiÂetÂly watchÂes EVERYÂTHING, patientÂly hikes with strugÂgling trekkers, and and easÂiÂly breaks into a grin as we laugh and joke on the trail.
~ MM Guide Deana Zabaldo