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K2 seen from Concordia with Mountain Madness trek to base camp

K2 Base Camp Trek

A circular route

A trek to K2 base camp in Pak­istan’s Karako­ram Range, apt­ly called the Throne Room of the Moun­tain Gods, is in the world’s most spec­tac­u­lar moun­tain region. The fabled expe­di­tion and walk­ing route up the Bal­toro Glac­i­er to K2 offers tru­ly one of the world’s great­est treks, and jus­ti­fi­ably so. Sur­round­ed by six peaks over 25,919 feet / 7,900 meters and crowned by the mas­sif of K2, this is with­out ques­tion one of the most mag­nif­i­cent places on the plan­et. The list of peaks along the way is exten­sive and each holds a sig­nif­i­cant place in climb­ing his­to­ry. Muz­tagh Tow­er, Gasher­brum IV, Mitre Peak, Chogolisa, Tran­go Tow­ers, Uli Bia­ho, Paiyu Peak, Broad Peak and K2 form a gallery of the most beau­ti­ful, and most dan­ger­ous places on earth. 

With the cir­cu­lar trek that includes going over the pass and descend­ing into the beau­ti­ful Hushe Val­ley before return­ing to the trek’s start­ing point at Skar­du, you’ll enjoy one the most incred­i­ble treks on the plan­et, the friend­ly peo­ple of the Karako­ram, and the intrigu­ing cul­ture of Pak­istan — a true jour­ney for the soul, mind, and body.

Want to make sure you are ready for this dif­fi­cult trek- check out Peru’s Ulti­mate Blan­ca Trek and Climb for the per­fect train­ing trip and an incred­i­ble jour­ney on its own.


  • K2 Base Camp Trek

    $9,100 – 25 Days / Includes trav­el time

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room) – $550




Flight Information

The total num­ber of days for your trip includes all trav­el to and from your des­ti­na­tion, with some excep­tions. Dates list­ed on the web­site start with your depar­ture date from the U.S. and include the day you arrive home. For this trip you will need to arrive in Islam­abad, Pak­istan on Day 3 of the itin­er­ary. You will cross the date line in mid-flight to Asia, thus los­ing a day. If you are trav­el­ing from out­side the U.S. your itin­er­ary may require less time to reach Islam­abad, so all that is required is that you arrive on Day 3 of the itin­er­ary, where Moun­tain Mad­ness ser­vices begin. If you arrive ear­ly, we can assist with extra hotel arrange­ments and activ­i­ties. Oth­er­wise, you can arrive at any time on Day 3. You will be met at the air­port by a Moun­tain Mad­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tive and trans­ferred to your hotel. 

Your return flight home should be sched­uled for the sec­ond to last day of the itinerary.

Please con­tact our office for any help need­ed with your flight schedule.


  • K2 Base Camp Trek


    25 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Book Trip


Gon­do­goro La: 18,537 foot / 5650 meter


Cir­cu­lar Route: Askole / Bal­toro Glac­i­er / Hushe / Skardu



Sim­i­lar to lev­el four, but there will be days where both length of walk­ing and high­er ele­va­tions will be phys­i­cal­ly chal­leng­ing. Giv­en mul­ti­ple dif­fi­cult days on this lev­el of trek endurance is key and prepa­ra­tion should be more rigorous.

The Most Challenging Treks