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Bhutan trekking to highest unclimbed peak with Mountain Madness

Bhutan Himalayan Trek to Gangkar Puensum Basecamp

Stand in awe at the foot of tallest unclimbed peak in the world!

Embark on an enrich­ing jour­ney through the cul­tur­al mar­vels and rugged trekking ter­rain of Bhutan to base­camp for the spec­tac­u­lar 7,570‑m/ 24,829-ft Gangkar Puen­sum. Revered as the world’s high­est unclimbed sum­mit, this sacred moun­tain adds an aura of mys­tique to the jour­ney. Over the span of 9 exhil­a­rat­ing days on the trail, you will trek amidst lush conifer and rhodo­den­dron forests, and across lofty moun­tain pass­es adorned with flut­ter­ing Bud­dhist prayer flags. Along the way, the trekking team will encounter the resilient farm­ers and yak herders of the high­lands, gain­ing insights into Bhutan’s har­mo­nious coex­is­tence with its pris­tine envi­ron­ment and rich Bud­dhist heritage. 

Com­menc­ing from the pic­turesque town of Paro and tra­vers­ing through the cap­i­tal city of Thim­phu, Punakha, Wang­di, Trongsa, and the serene Bumthang Val­ley, this expe­di­tion promis­es an immer­sive blend of cul­tur­al explo­ration and invig­o­rat­ing trekking expe­ri­ences. Pre­pare to be cap­ti­vat­ed by the unpar­al­leled splen­dor of Bhutan’s Himalayan panora­ma, woven seam­less­ly with the tapes­try of its cul­tur­al legacy.


  • Gangkar Puen­sum Trek

    $6,900 – 18 Days / Includes trav­el time




The total num­ber of days for your trip includes all trav­el to and from your des­ti­na­tion, with some excep­tions. Dates list­ed on the web­site start with your depar­ture date from the U.S. and include the day you arrive home. For this trip we will take a group flight between Paro & Bangkok on Day 3 & 17 of the itin­er­ary. This flight will be arranged by Moun­tain Mad­ness. Please con­firm your flights with our office before booking.


  • Gangkar Puen­sum Trek


    18 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Book Trip


89.3 Miles / 144 Kilometers


Dol­ly La Pass 15,700 ft / 4785 m



Sev­er­al dif­fi­cult days in a row at ele­va­tion make this a chal­leng­ing trek. Com­bined with some rocky stretch­es of trail and over a high pass make this trek one ide­al for an expe­ri­enced trekker. Giv­en mul­ti­ple dif­fi­cult days on this lev­el of trek endurance is key and prepa­ra­tion should be more rigorous.

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