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Red Rocks climbing course with Mountain Madness

Red Rock Climbing Course

Courses In The Desert Sun

Join Moun­tain Mad­ness guides at the West’s best desert rock-climb­ing area! Red Rock, locat­ed min­utes from glitzy Las Vegas, Neva­da, offers some­thing for every climber — from chal­leng­ing sport routes, to long and clas­sic mul­ti-pitch tra­di­tion­al climbs.

These cours­es gives stu­dents a sol­id foun­da­tion in all aspects of rock climb­ing and is an excel­lent way to pre­pare for alpine rock climbs in the North Cas­cades, the Mat­ter­horn, and Carsten­sz Pyra­mid. Take one or all!

Short on time? We can arrange a cus­tom course for you allow­ing for both flex­i­bil­i­ty with time and top­ics to be cov­ered. Con­tact us for details at info@​mountainmadness.​com or call 800−328−5925


  • Red Rock Course

    from $325 – Per Day

    • 1:1 - $525 per person
    • 2:1 - $375 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $325 per person


Courses can be booked together as a build your own adventure or on a Custom Basis within the same date range — Contact Us



Below is our most com­pre­hen­sive course to take par­tic­i­pants from the ground up learn­ing the basics to a final cul­mi­na­tion on one of the areas famous long, mul­ti-pitch routes- an amaz­ing journey!

If your short on time join for a few days of the course or cus­tomize your trip to accom­mo­date your sched­ule and fine-tune the top­ics you want to cov­er. Con­tact us for more details at info@​mountainmadness.​com or call 800−328−5925


  • Red Rock Course

    from $325

    Per Day

    • 1:1 - $525 per person
    • 2:1 - $375 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $325 per person
    Book Course

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