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Women in rural Nepal

The House of Prosperity


Announc­ing Nepal Women’s Safe House, Sam­rid­hi Ghar, near Makalu, the fifth high­est peak in the world

UPDATE JAN­U­ARY 18: The $30,000 goal has been reached! We thank all that have con­tributed, but there’s more fundrais­ing to be done to take this project into phase two. We will be writ­ing up anoth­er blog soon with details. Thanks again!

UPDATE NOVEM­BER 29: We’ve cur­rent­ly raised almost $21,000 towards our goal of $30,000 thanks to many gen­er­ous dona­tions. Please help us get there with a chance to dou­ble your mon­ey with a match­ing fund up to $15,000 cur­rent­ly in place- that means we need to raise only $5,000 more and we reach the goal. MAKE IT HAPPEN!


For near­ly 30 years, Nepal has played a key role in the his­to­ry and adven­tures at Moun­tain Mad­ness, and we’ve been inspired by all that it holds for climbers, trekkers, and every­one with a sense of adven­ture. We’ve been hon­ored to guide many of you there to per­son­al­ly expe­ri­ence the won­der­ful peo­ple and spec­tac­u­lar moun­tains. If you haven’t been to Nepal yet, per­haps you’ve always dreamed of vis­it­ing the vibrant cul­ture and the world’s high­est moun­tains, whether it be on the trek to Ever­est Base­camp or a climb of Mount Ever­est or Island Peak, we’re sure Nepal will cap­ture your imag­i­na­tion and your heart!

Our invest­ment in Nepal goes beyond guid­ing. We rec­og­nize that Nepal is also one of the poor­est coun­tries in the world, where women strug­gle for rights, equi­ty, and safe­ty. Vio­lence against women is wide­spread, and women often have no safe space for sup­port. This win­ter we are estab­lish­ing a Safe House in east­ern Nepal to pro­vide shel­ter, coun­sel­ing, legal sup­port, and safe­ty for women in this remote Himalayan region. Join us in mak­ing this dream a reality!

All pho­tos by Deana Zabaldo

Rural life in Nepal
Subsistence Farming In Nepal
Women in Nepal

Safe House Project Overview

Sam­rid­hi Ghar (House of Pros­per­i­ty), is a col­lab­o­ra­tive project between Moun­tain Mad­ness, Chang­ing Lives Nepal, and All The Sky Foun­da­tion to serve the women of Nepal. This team has a proven track record of suc­cess­ful­ly launch­ing char­i­ta­ble pro­grams with strong com­mu­ni­ty sup­port, and Moun­tain Mad­ness Guide Deana Zabal­do will be bring­ing decades of region­al exper­tise to estab­lish the project. We have already begun work­ing with the local hos­pi­tal, police, and com­mu­ni­ty, and we are on-track to open in ear­ly 2022. To do so, we need your support. 

We gra­cious­ly invite you to join us…


Donate $1000 or more and become a Found­ing Sponsor 


Donate any amount as a project Supporter


All dona­tions are ful­ly tax-deductible and will be matched up to $15,000 through a gen­er­ous grant from All The Sky Foun­da­tion to ensure this pro­gram reach­es the start-up goal of $30,000 and launch­es successfully!

Makalu Fundraiser Trek 

Makalu in the distance

Future plans include a Makalu Fundrais­ing Trek. If you dream of return­ing to Nepal or vis­it­ing for the first time, Found­ing Spon­sors and Sup­port­ers will have FIRST ACCESS to book our fundrais­ing trek to Makalu Base Camp, includ­ing a vis­it to the Safe House to see your dona­tion at work. Trekking in the Makalu Barun Nation­al Park will be sure to pro­vide adven­ture and amaz­ing views of this mas­sive peak, shown here on the left from our Gokyo Lakes Trek. More details about this trip to come next year, but first, our ini­tial fundrais­ing goals must be achieved, enabling us to launch the project. 

Project Details

Sam­rid­hi Ghar, the new Women’s Safe House, will serve all of Sankhuwasab­ha Dis­trict in East­ern Nepal, which includes Mount Makalu, the 5th high­est peak in the world. First and fore­most, the home will pro­vide secure, tem­po­rary hous­ing for vic­tims of vio­lence. Sur­vivors will also be offered coun­sel­ing for emo­tion­al trau­ma, sup­port for med­ical and legal ser­vices, and tran­si­tion sup­port to live independently.

The Safe House will also pro­mote height­ened aware­ness through­out the local com­mu­ni­ties about women’s rights as well as the under­ly­ing caus­es of vio­lence against women. In align­ment with All The Sky’s mis­sion, aware­ness pro­grams will include reach­ing men as well as women in order to increase the over­all under­stand­ing of gen­der-based vio­lence with the inten­tion of address­ing the root causes.

We have tremen­dous local sup­port and a grass­roots team on the ground through Chang­ing Lives Nepal to bring this project into being. The first year will include gar­ner­ing sup­port of local gov­ern­ment, secur­ing a build­ing that can com­fort­ably accom­mo­date women in need, hir­ing and train­ing a small pro­fes­sion­al staff, and cre­at­ing com­mu­ni­ty aware­ness of the safe house as resource for women. We plan to start admit­ting women to the home in 2022 as the project pro­gress­es. Long range goals include expand­ing staff train­ing and men­tal health coun­sel­ing, improv­ing aware­ness pro­grams, and secur­ing long-term sus­tain­able sup­port through local government. 

Women farming in Nepal
Women In Nepal
Women making a living in Nepal;

Vio­lence against women is a pro­found human rights vio­la­tion that denies women equal­i­ty, secu­ri­ty, and the right to enjoy fun­da­men­tal free­doms. Its preva­lence in Nepal is real, and the pleas for help large­ly unan­swered. If you feel called to help­ing secure the safe­ty of women in this region of Nepal, we encour­age you to join us towards reach­ing the start-up goal of $30,000.