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Safe house in Nepal giving back with Mountain Madness

House of Prosperity in Nepal Himalayas opens

We are pleased to announce that the Wom­en’s Safe House, the House of Pros­per­i­ty, is open­ing this week due to your gen­er­ous dona­tions- thanks to all that contributed. 

Sam­rid­hi Ghar (House of Pros­per­i­ty), is a col­lab­o­ra­tive project between Moun­tain Mad­ness, Chang­ing Lives Nepal, and All The Sky Foun­da­tion to serve the women of Nepal. With the help of dona­tions and col­lab­o­ra­tion with the local gov­ern­ment a build­ing was pur­chased, staff hired, and bed­rooms fur­nished. Chang­ing Lives Nepal pro­vid­ed the fol­low­ing update;

Serv­ing a region of 158,000 peo­ple, Sam­rid­hi Ghar (House of Pros­per­i­ty) is safe space for vul­ner­a­ble women liv­ing in the region near Makalu, the fifth high­est peak in the world. The house will pro­vide pro­tec­tion, food and shel­ter, coun­sel­ing, and con­nec­tion to med­ical and legal ser­vices for women cop­ing with domes­tic vio­lence, rape, traf­fick­ing and oth­er sit­u­a­tions where they are at risk.

SH staff 2
Safe House Office In Nepal
Safe House Staff

Begin­ning this sum­mer, our team will also con­duct region­al out­reach across Sankhuwasa­va Dis­trict to help shift atti­tudes and cul­tur­al norms about the soci­etal prob­lems that Nepalese women face. They will be work­ing to increase aware­ness about women’s rights and the local laws and resources avail­able to help pro­tect women.

SH building
SH compound fence
Draft MOU presentation

Safe House Found­ing Members:

Deep grat­i­tude to EVERY­ONE who has gen­er­ous­ly donat­ed to bring the vision of Sam­rid­hi Ghar to life, and espe­cial­ly to the Safe House Found­ing Mem­bers who each donat­ed $1000 in Year 1 and ensured the project could launch suc­cess­ful­ly. We’re hon­ored by your sup­port and faith in us and our Nepal team!! 

Andrew Edstrom
Bill Win­field
Car­olyn Moyer
Eliz­a­beth Shaw Laugh­lin Foundation
James Dick­in­son
Jean Roalav­ig
John Hes­ter­man in hon­or of Sarah Hesterman
Lin­da Maxwell
Nan­cy Miller
Peter Chang
Randy Rust
Vince Bain

Keep an eye out for more good news and more safe house infor­ma­tion in the next few weeks. We’re so excit­ed and proud — thank you all for help­ing to make it happen!!”

This will be an ongo­ing project and dona­tions will con­tin­ue to help sus­tain this impor­tant pro­gram in the region. Please con­sid­er donat­ing here: