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- Aug 19, 2014
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Pik Lenin Expedition Reaches Base Camp
We have arrived at Base Camp to beauÂtiÂful skies, Pik Lenin risÂing directÂly above. The driÂve to camp took us over a nearÂly 4000 meter pass, on a highÂway that, in places, was so damÂaged there was room only for one vehiÂcle. We drove south from Osh, through the Trans-Altai mounÂtain range, finalÂly emergÂing into the Alay ValÂley and the start of the Pamir Range and Pik Lenin. The final 30 km of the jourÂney took us through high altiÂtude plains and driÂving through creek washÂes to arrive at Base Camp in a peaceÂful meadÂow directÂly under the mountain.

Today we did an acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion hike up on the ridge of PetroÂvsky Peak, picÂtured in the right of the phoÂto. TomorÂrow we head up to Advanced Base Camp (Camp 1) where we will start the climbÂing in earnest!
~ MM Guide Tino Villanueva