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- Aug 18, 2014
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First Report from Pik Lenin Expedition
We have a great group for Pik Lenin, and we had a good first day in the counÂtry. We explored the city of Osh and viewed the most famous sights. First we hiked up SulayÂman MounÂtain, the only World HerÂitage site in KyrÂgyzsÂtan. The mounÂtain has been a desÂtiÂnaÂtion for MusÂlim and pre-MusÂlim pilÂgrimÂages in this 3000 year old city. The mounÂtain is surÂroundÂed by legÂend and it is said that women who ascend the mounÂtain and crawl through an openÂing in the holy rock will have healthy children.

Sacred SulayÂman MounÂtain. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
Next, we travÂeled to the Great Silk Road Bazaar, the largest, most crowdÂed outÂdoor marÂket in CenÂtral Asia. As earÂly as the 8th cenÂtuÂry, Osh was known as a trade cenÂter along the Silk Road and conÂnectÂed CenÂtral Asia to KashÂgar through the Alay Mountains.

Spices at the Great Silk Road Bazaar. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
Osh is still a way staÂtion, conÂnectÂing trade amongst the cenÂtral Asian nations. HowÂevÂer, we have jourÂneyed to find our own way over the mounÂtain passÂes. TomorÂrow we depart on a bus to Pik Lenin and our Base Camp for the climb of this 7000m giant. Stay tuned for our progress up the mountain.

The group at dinÂner. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo

MounÂtains peekÂing out to the south. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
~ MM Guide Tino Villanueva