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- Jun 23, 2015
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Open Season in the Cordillera Blanca!

The main objecÂtive — AlpaÂmayo. MM Collection
AlpaÂmayo climbs incredÂiÂble, steeply flutÂed faces on what is conÂsidÂered the most beauÂtiÂful mounÂtain in the world, sharÂing that disÂtincÂtion alongÂside Nepal’s Ama Dablam. This sumÂmer we have three teams aimÂing for Peru’s most sought after objecÂtive. Team #1 is curÂrentÂly walkÂing into base camp and Marc RipÂpergÂer reports all is good in the Cordillera Blanca.
Marc RipÂpergÂer photo
StunÂning landÂscapes in Peru. Marc RipÂpergÂer photo
After a whirlÂwind of delayed flights out of the states, they arrived in Huaraz, Peru. LongÂtime MM climber Jeff D. and Marc enjoyed the surÂroundÂing PeruÂvian scenery with sevÂerÂal amazÂing acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion hikes, includÂing a climb of 17,800 meter HuaÂmashraÂju, a peak of ice and mixed climbing.
Jeff D. on HuaÂmashraÂju. Marc RipÂpergÂer photo
They’re excitÂed to head out to the SanÂta Cruz ValÂley to tackÂle AlpaÂmayo next!
View from the sumÂmit of HuaÂmashraÂju. Marc RipÂpergÂer photo