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- May 14, 2012
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Making it Happen on the Summit of Kilimanjaro
Last SepÂtemÂber, our KilÂiÂmanÂjaro trekking team made it to the sumÂmit on SepÂtemÂber 11, the tenth year anniverÂsary of the Trade CenÂters attack. Below is a phoÂto of one of our trekkers, Tom GlenÂnon, who at 77 years old, received his cerÂtifiÂcate of comÂpleÂtion for sumÂmitÂing the highÂest peak in Africa.

Tom at the sumÂmit. Tom GlenÂnon photo
Trekkers of all ages have joined us at the top of Africa. Join us this sumÂmer and make it hapÂpen for you too!