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Everest with Mountain Madness

Escape Deep Into The Amazon Jungle!

This March, MM own­er Mark Gun­log­son went with his 9 year old daugh­ter, Ellie, down to vis­it our staff in Ecuador and see how we can make our South Amer­i­can expe­ri­ences more enjoy­able for our trekkers and climbers. After an incred­i­ble expe­ri­ence deep in the Ama­zon with the remote Huao­rani peo­ple, he found the per­fect solution!

Arrive at your remote lodge by canoe. Mark Gun­log­son photo

Join us for our Huao­rani Jun­gle Adven­ture, and you too can enjoy this unique expe­ri­ence with one of the world’s most remote peo­ple (five Huao­rani com­mu­ni­ties still have reject­ed all con­tact with the out­side world!) Begin your trip with a riv­er canoe ride to the Ecolodge. Moun­tain Mad­ness is excit­ed to be part­ner­ing with the Huao­rani Ecolodge, as your stay and con­tri­bu­tions by pur­chas­ing their spec­tac­u­lar hand­i­crafts helps to sus­tain the com­mu­ni­ty. It is also a won­der­ful way to inter­act with the local peo­ple and make cross-cul­ture friendships!

Mak­ing friends with the Huao­rani. Mark Gun­log­son photo

This five day itin­er­ary is a per­fect way to bring the fam­i­ly down to join you for a true jun­gle expe­ri­ence after your Ecuador sum­mit climb or trek. You will learn from your nature guide how to shoot a blow gun, iden­ti­fy many dif­fer­ent kinds of plant and ani­mal life in the jun­gle, and sur­vive on just the land. Cool off in the fresh­wa­ter riv­er, share a bowl of chu­cu­la with the locals (a sweet drink made of ripe bananas), and explore the for­est at night with a noc­tur­nal ani­mal viewing. 

Learn­ing how to use a blow­gun. Mark Gun­log­son photo

Call us now to find out how to vis­it ths amaz­ing cul­ture and enjoy your vaca­tion in this fas­ci­nat­ing cor­ner of the Amazon.