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- Jun 06, 2011
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Checking in from King Col on Mount Logan
An update from our team on Mount Logan!
Tino called in from their camp at the King Col (13,500 feet). The team is feelÂing good and enjoyÂing some smoked salmon while lisÂtenÂing to JohnÂny Cash. The weathÂer has been aweÂsome and it is curÂrentÂly a blueÂbird day with light winds.
The plan for tomorÂrow is to do a back carÂry of supÂplies from the cache below at 13,000 feet and then enjoy some rest. The folÂlowÂing day the team will try to get up to about 15,000 feet and put in a cache. They will call in again soon with more updates. Tell everyÂone at home hello!