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- Nov 18, 2010
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Carstensz Pyramid 12/3/08 dispatch
HelÂlo MounÂtain MadÂness, this is Mark callÂing in with DecemÂber 4th’s disÂpatch. YesÂterÂday we had a realÂly big day. Our team dropped down off the ridge that we had camped on and crossed the big valÂley to a pretÂty excitÂing rivÂer crossing!
Our porters set up a zip line across the rivÂer and in no time were workÂing to get our gear across. Three porters stood on each side of the line holdÂing it up as we sent our large dufÂfels across the rivÂer. The rest of us folÂlowed stripÂping down to one light layÂer and wadÂing the chest deep rivÂer bareÂfoot while clingÂing to the line to reach the othÂer side.
We plan to have a well-deserved rest day tomorÂrow and then try for the sumÂmit on DecemÂber 5th. The team is feelÂing good, a bit tired but everyÂone is healthy! We are lookÂing forÂward to getÂting to the mounÂtain and makÂing our sumÂmit push!