Ama Dablam
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- Nov 18, 2010
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Ama Dablam Expedition 11/11/08 dispatch
HelÂlo friends and famÂiÂly! This is Seth callÂing in from base camp. On NovemÂber 11th we went out from base camp at 4,600 meters and cruised into advanced base camp at 5,200 meters. The team had some good gain going above 17,000 feet! We had a nice day with great weathÂer.
After havÂing a short snack at advanced base camp, we came back to base camp to have lunch and rest for the remainÂder of the afterÂnoon. Our team is doing realÂly well. It’s amazÂing that it only took us 2 hours to get to advanced base camp and only 1 hour back down to base camp. We are hapÂpy that everyÂone is in good health and feelÂing positive!