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- Jul 07, 2014
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Success on Ski Descent of Elbrus!

Approach on skis. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
This weekÂend, the Elbrus team was back in the lowÂlands of the BakÂsan valÂley. Our sumÂmit day was absoluteÂly perÂfect. CloudÂless skies and breathÂless wind made for gloÂriÂous climbÂing conditions.

Chris and David on the approach. Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
EveryÂbody did an aweÂsome job and every team memÂber stood on top of the highÂest point in Europe!

On the sumÂmit! Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo
Those of us on skis enjoyed skiÂing from the sumÂmit all the way back down to the BarÂrels BaseÂcamp, a 6,000 foot decent. I’m lookÂing forÂward to our first Elbrus Express trip at the end of July!
~ MM Guide Tino Villanueva

GetÂting in some good turns on the way down! Tino VilÂlanueÂva photo