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- Nov 18, 2010
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Aconcagua team settled in at Camp 1
Andrew Wexler called and reportĀed that the Aconcagua group has moved all their gear to Camp 1 at 16,000-feet and will begin movĀing loads highĀer on the mounĀtain today. After negoĀtiĀatĀing a field of penĀiĀtentes (ice and snow dagĀgers formed by the sun), they crossed a small stream and arrived at the site of Camp I. ThroughĀout the ascent the team will adhere to the phiĀlosĀoĀphy of climb high and sleep low in order to propĀerĀly accliĀmaĀtize. All is going well now after MM guide AleĀjo was flown out with a medĀical sitĀuĀaĀtion that has since been remeĀdied. The rest of the group is setĀtled in to their rouĀtine now and movĀing up the mountain!

Pablo PurunĀcaĀjas photos