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Otter falls

Otter Falls Sport Route

Great entry level five pitch sport climb next to a waterfall!

Deep in the forests of the Cas­cades lies a slab of immac­u­late rock above Tip­sy Lake. Pop­py’s Fol­ly climbs these slabs over five pitch­es of easy rock, ide­al for your first mul­ti-pitch rock climb and for those tran­si­tion­ing from gym climb­ing to out­doors. After a four mile walk through a lush Cas­cade for­est, the rag­ing waters of the Mid­dle Fork of the Sno­qualmie Riv­er always your com­pan­ion on the walk in, you’ll arrive lake­side, rope up, and climb this enjoy­able route. 

While the climb promis­es an unfor­get­table day trip from Seat­tle, why not extend your adven­ture into a two-day escapade? Explore near­by canyoneer­ing options, immers­ing your­self in the heart of nature’s play­ground that is the Mid­dle Fork of the Sno­qualmie Riv­er. Choose to camp beneath a star­lit sky or indulge in the com­fort of a cozy bed in the charm­ing town of North Bend. Either way, this adven­ture will deliv­er the goods and take you to the next level.


  • Otter Falls Sport Route

    from $535 – 1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $350 per person


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us


  • Otter Falls Sport Route

    from $535

    1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $350 per person
    Book Trip

Type of climb

Mul­ti-pitch sport climb


Pop­py’s Per­il. Grade II. 5.8 (one or two moves), but most­ly 5.5−5.7


Advanced Beginner

This is a great route for begin­ner climbers look­ing to break into mul­ti-pitch climb­ing. Low angle slab climb with a cou­ple of moves of 5.8 make it acces­si­ble for all. Expe­ri­ence with rap­pelling and belay­ing required.

Take it to the next level