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leavenworth rock climbing mountain madness

Leavenworth Rock Climbing Clinics

We offer a variety of clinics, courses, and private guided days in this world-class setting.

Climb­ing by day and grab­bing a bratwurst and local brew in the evening in the Bavar­i­an themed town of Leav­en­worth make for a relax­ing, yet reward­ing adven­ture. There are excel­lent hotel lodg­ing, camp­ing, and restau­rant options near­by. Detailed infor­ma­tion for Leav­en­worth can be found at www​.leav​en​worth​.org.

Get out for your first expe­ri­ence on rock, or take it to the next lev­el if you already climb! Call our office to arrange a log­i­cal pro­gres­sion to advance your skills; our clin­ics are designed with a set-by-step plan, build­ing on each clin­ic you attend.

Just want to grab a guide and go climb? Check out our guid­ed climbs page HERE

  • 1‑Day Clin­ics

    from $210

    1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $320 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $210 per person
    Book Course
  • 2‑Day Clin­ics

    from $420

    2 Days

    • 1:1 - $1,025 per person
    • 2:1 - $620 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $420 per person
    Book Course
  • 3‑Day Clin­ics

    from $620

    3 Days

    • 1:1 - $1,480 per person
    • 2:1 - $870 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $620 per person
    Book Course

Student to Instructor Ratio

Max Ratio 6:1

Take your rock climbing skills to the next level with these trips!