Plan to meet us at the MounÂtain MadÂness office at 7am. Your guide will do a thorÂough equipÂment check and detailed briefÂing of your itinerary.
Our offices are conÂveÂnientÂly locatÂed withÂin a short driÂve from the airÂport. For the sake of logisÂtiÂcal ease, we highÂly recÂomÂmend you stay at one of the nearÂby hotels listÂed below. If you’re lookÂing for a more comÂplete SeatÂtle expeÂriÂence, we recÂomÂmend you switch hotels after your climb to a hotel in closÂer proxÂimÂiÂty to the city.
Near SeaTÂac AirÂport (only a 20 minute driÂve away from the office):
Near MounÂtain MadÂness and DownÂtown Seattle:
TransÂportaÂtion is includÂed with all schedÂuled climbs.
EmerÂgenÂcies: Joe Sawyer — (425) 681‑4241
AppliÂcaÂtion Terms and CanÂcelÂlaÂtion Policy
Date changes are subÂject to a $200 fee.
Video on choosÂing your clothing
EquipÂment Rental: Please subÂmit your rental one week priÂor to your trip departure.
Field NoteÂbook / instrucÂtionÂal manÂuÂal
RememÂber: Tips for our guides are highÂly appreÂciÂatÂed! TypÂiÂcalÂly budÂget 10 – 20% for a good experience.DISÂCOUNTS
EVO — 15%
Ascent OutÂdoors- 15% off online prices
Helly Hansen- 20% off retail.
FeathÂered Friends- 10% off retail.
MounÂtaineers Books- 25% off retail
Alpine AthÂletÂics- 25% disÂcount on trainÂing programs
Plan to meet us at the MounÂtain MadÂness office at 7am. Your guide will do a thorÂough equipÂment check and detailed briefÂing of your itinerary.
Our offices are conÂveÂnientÂly locatÂed withÂin a short driÂve from the airÂport. For the sake of logisÂtiÂcal ease, we highÂly recÂomÂmend you stay at one of the nearÂby hotels listÂed below. If you’re lookÂing for a more comÂplete SeatÂtle expeÂriÂence, we recÂomÂmend you switch hotels after your climb to a hotel in closÂer proxÂimÂiÂty to the city.
Near SeaTÂac AirÂport (only a 20 minute driÂve away from the office):
Near MounÂtain MadÂness and DownÂtown Seattle:
TransÂportaÂtion is includÂed on all of our schedÂuled courses.
EmerÂgenÂcies: Joe Sawyer — (425) 681‑4241
AppliÂcaÂtion Terms and CanÂcelÂlaÂtion Policy
Date changes are subÂject to a $200 fee.
Video on choosÂing your clothing
EquipÂment Rental: Please subÂmit your rental one week priÂor to your trip departure.
Field NoteÂbook / instrucÂtionÂal manÂuÂal
RememÂber: Tips for our guides are highÂly appreÂciÂatÂed! TypÂiÂcalÂly budÂget 10 – 20% for a good experience.DISÂCOUNTS
EVO — 15%
Ascent OutÂdoors- 15% off online prices
Helly Hansen- 20% off retail.
FeathÂered Friends- 10% off retail.
MounÂtaineers Books- 25% off retail
Alpine AthÂletÂics- 25% disÂcount on trainÂing programs
Plan to meet us at the MounÂtain MadÂness office at 7am. Your guide will do a thorÂough equipÂment check and detailed briefÂing of your itinÂerÂary.
HOTELSOur offices are conÂveÂnientÂly locatÂed withÂin a short driÂve from the airÂport. For the sake of logisÂtiÂcal ease, we highÂly recÂomÂmend you stay at one of the nearÂby hotels listÂed below. If you’re lookÂing for a more comÂplete SeatÂtle expeÂriÂence, we recÂomÂmend you switch hotels after your climb to a hotel in closÂer proxÂimÂiÂty to the city.
Near SeaTÂac AirÂport (only a 20 minute driÂve away from the office):
Near MounÂtain MadÂness and DownÂtown Seattle:
Sine this is a cusÂtom trip you are responÂsiÂble for transÂportaÂtion of yourÂself and the guides from the MounÂtain MadÂness office to the trailÂhead and back.
EmerÂgenÂcies: Joe Sawyer — (425) 681‑4241
AppliÂcaÂtion Terms and CanÂcelÂlaÂtion Policy
Date changes are subÂject to a $200 fee.
Video on choosÂing your clothing
EquipÂment Rental: Please subÂmit your rental one week priÂor to your trip departure.
Field NoteÂbook / instrucÂtionÂal manÂuÂal
RememÂber: Tips for our guides are highÂly appreÂciÂatÂed! TypÂiÂcalÂly budÂget 10 – 20% for a good experience.DISÂCOUNTS
EVO — 15%
Ascent OutÂdoors- 15% off online prices
Helly Hansen- 20% off retail.
FeathÂered Friends- 10% off retail.
MounÂtaineers Books- 25% off retail
Alpine AthÂletÂics- 25% disÂcount on trainÂing programs
Plan to meet us at ArgÂonaut CofÂfee & BisÂcuits at 8am. If you would like to adjust the meetÂing locaÂtion, please conÂtact us in advance.
LodgÂing inforÂmaÂtion for Leavenworth
You are responÂsiÂble for your own transÂportaÂtion for the course.
EmerÂgenÂcies: Joe Sawyer — (425) 681‑4241
This is a rock climbÂing course, so you are expectÂed to covÂer all of your transÂportaÂtion and lodgÂing fees. The trip cost is based on numÂber of parÂticÂiÂpatÂing memÂbers, so please let us know what minÂiÂmum ratio of guides to parÂticÂiÂpants you would like to pay for.
For any quesÂtions regardÂing equipÂment, please be in touch with our EquipÂment ManÂagÂer, Joe, at gearmanager@​mountainmadness.​com or (206) 512‑8825
AppliÂcaÂtion Terms and CanÂcelÂlaÂtion Policy
Date changes are subÂject to a $200 fee.
Video on choosÂing your clothing
EquipÂment Rental: Please subÂmit your rental one week priÂor to your trip departure.
RememÂber: Tips for our guides are highÂly appreÂciÂatÂed! TypÂiÂcalÂly budÂget 10 – 20% for a good experience.
EVO — 15%
Ascent OutÂdoors- 15% off online prices
Helly Hansen- 20% off retail.
FeathÂered Friends- 10% off retail.
MounÂtaineers Books- 25% off retail
Alpine AthÂletÂics- 25% disÂcount on trainÂing programs
As your trips grows closÂer, expect to hear from your guide, who will conÂfirm a time and place to meet in Ouray. TypÂiÂcalÂly we will meet you at your hotel around 8:30 a.m. on day one.
NesÂtled in the San Juan’s, the small mounÂtain town or Ouray offers some great dinÂing and accomÂmoÂdaÂtion options durÂing your stay. If you’re lookÂing for a nice steak, or you just want to soak in the mounÂtain views from the comÂfort of your hotel hot tub, Ouray has you covÂered! RelaxÂing in town post ice climbÂing day just adds to the experience.
Some great hotel options with varyÂing locaÂtions and ameniÂties in town are the Box Canyon Lodge, the ChiÂna ClipÂper Inn, and the Ouray Inn.
EmerÂgenÂcies: Joe Sawyer — (425) 681‑4241
Please arrange for any rentals with Ouray MounÂtain Sports
You must subÂmit this Rental Form and WaivÂer for all rentals and a copy of your driÂver’s license if you need us to pick up your equipÂment for you.
Ouray MounÂtain Sports can be conÂtactÂed at
732 Main St.
PO Box 500
Ouray, CO 81427
970−325−4284 http://​ouraysports​.com/​r​e​n​tals/
Open DaiÂly 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.AppliÂcaÂtion Terms and CanÂcelÂlaÂtion Policy
Date changes are subÂject to a $200 fee.
Video on choosÂing your clothing
RememÂber: Tips for our guides are highÂly appreÂciÂatÂed! TypÂiÂcalÂly budÂget 10 – 20% for a good experience.
EVO — 15%
Ascent OutÂdoors- 15% off online prices
Helly Hansen- 20% off retail.
FeathÂered Friends- 10% off retail.
MounÂtaineers Books- 25% off retail
Alpine AthÂletÂics- 25% disÂcount on trainÂing programs
The course will conÂsist of a sinÂgle zoom lecÂture on the first day of the course folÂlowed by two filed days on SatÂurÂday and Sunday.
Evening classÂroom sesÂsion will be held online via Zoom on ThursÂday from 6 to 9 p.m. We will send out the link and login inforÂmaÂtion the week of the course. The course begins promptÂly at 6 p.m. Please plan to be ready few minÂutes earÂly so that we can start on time.
Field sesÂsions will be at Rainier-ParÂadise, SnoÂqualmie Pass, or Stevens Pass and you can expect to be out from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Your instructor(s) will disÂcuss the logisÂtics for your field sesÂsions at the end of the evening lecÂtures.
LodgÂing Options for Stevens Pass and Rainier CoursÂes: hotels fill quickÂly on the weekÂends so book early!
- LeavÂenÂworth, WA: LeavÂenÂworth Lodging
- Skykomish, WA: CasÂcaÂdia Inn
- AshÂford, WA: Nisqually Lodge
- SnoÂqualmie Pass, WA: SumÂmit Inn
Mt Rainier NationÂal Park requires chains, and Stevens Pass/​Snoqualmie Pass will require chains durÂing storms. Please plan to arrive in an approÂpriÂate, propÂerÂly equipped vehiÂcle. There may be opporÂtuÂniÂties to arrange carÂpools if desired.
EmerÂgenÂcies: Joe Sawyer — (425) 681‑4241
AppliÂcaÂtion Terms and CanÂcelÂlaÂtion Policy
Date changes are subÂject to a $200 fee.
Video on choosÂing your clothing
RememÂber: Tips for our guides are highÂly appreÂciÂatÂed! TypÂiÂcalÂly budÂget 10 – 20% for a good experience.
EVO — 15%Ascent OutÂdoors — 15% off online prices
Helly Hansen — 20% off retail.
FeathÂered Friends — 10% off retail.
MounÂtaineers Books — 25% off retail
Alpine AthÂletÂics — 25% disÂcount on trainÂing programs