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- Jan 11, 2012
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Vinson Team To Return to Punta Arenas
Mark Ryman just called in from Union GlacÂiÂer with news that they will be flyÂing off the icy conÂtiÂnent soonÂer than expectÂed. They are hopÂing to be picked up at 2 a.m. tomorÂrow mornÂing to get ahead of some weathÂer comÂing in and will be back in PunÂta AreÂnas, Chile by breakÂfast time.
As life at Union GlacÂiÂer can get someÂwhat munÂdane after days of waitÂing for the flight to take them back to PunÂta AreÂnas, Mark, Jacob, Omar and Scott decidÂed to get anothÂer short climb in while in AntarcÂtiÂca. They left out of Union GlacÂiÂer Base Camp today to sumÂmit the 4,757 foot peak Mt. RossÂman. They had a great climb with good weathÂer and descendÂed down the left ridge back into Base Camp. EveryÂone is getÂting excitÂed to return to Chile and conÂtinÂue on to their varÂiÂous adventures.