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- May 14, 2012
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Third Everest Base Camp Team Enjoying Luxury
Shayan Rohani here reportÂing from NamÂche Bazaar with the 2012 EverÂest Base Camp group #3.
So far it has been a great trip and a great group. We have 11 parÂticÂiÂpants rangÂing from 13 to 70 years old, as well as a great mix of CanaÂdiÂan, AmerÂiÂcan, and British trekkers.
KathÂmanÂdu was hot and rainy and a bit quiÂeter than norÂmal due to a nationÂal strike protestÂing the lack of a promised conÂstiÂtuÂtion for the last 4 years. There is talk of postÂponÂing anothÂer year at the end of the month. It was kind of nice with trafÂfic shut down, it was walkÂing or rickÂshaw only. RelÂaÂtiveÂly orgaÂnized chaos!
With all the rain, we were very conÂcerned about getÂting our flight to LukÂla but the weathÂer cleared just in time and we left the husÂtle and busÂtle of KathÂmanÂdu for the peace and tranÂquilÂiÂty of the SherÂpa culÂture thrivÂing in the KhumÂbu Valley.
NamÂche Bazaar. Deana ZabalÂdo photo
The group has been blown away by the speÂcial treatÂment MM Nepal proÂvides it’s clients includÂing wake up tea and eucaÂlypÂtus steam towÂels before every meal. I must say the staff realÂly does do an excelÂlent job makÂing the jourÂney much more comÂfortÂable than imagined.
Today we had an acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion hike above NamÂche to the EverÂest View hotel for a cup of very deliÂcious tea and our first views of Mount EverÂest. It was very clear and we soaked in the views for about an hour before the afterÂnoon clouds startÂed to obscure the summit.
It seems to be shapÂing up to be a very poor climbÂing seaÂson. They only recentÂly have estabÂlished camp 4 and the lines to camp 4 have yet to be fixed to the sumÂmit. It has been a very dry year makÂing rockÂfall the main objecÂtive hazÂard. There have been 5 lives takÂen on the mounÂtain already and we have begun to see a few climbers retreatÂing homeward.
TomorÂrow we will head out for ThengÂboche, my perÂsonÂal favorite vilÂlage with its beauÂtiÂful monastery and rhodoÂdenÂdron forÂest tucked brilÂliantÂly below Ama Dablam standÂing as a senÂtinel high above.
I will try and make conÂtact in 3 days or so but for now take care and enjoy your springtime.