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- Apr 13, 2015
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Honeymoon on Kilimanjaro
Our most recent expedition to Kilimanjaro was last month, just before the start of the spring rainy season. Anne and Daniel wanted to celebrate their marriage by taking the trip of a lifetime to Tanzania. Upon arriving, they were taken to our Itikoni Camp in Arusha National Park. Itikoni is a great spot to rest from their travel to Tanzania and, because it’s at 6,500 ft., they started acclimatizing for the ascent of Kilimanjaro. During their two days at Itikoni Anne and Daniel were able to take game viewing hikes in addition to relaxing and enjoying the amazing food!

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Our staff found out that it was Daniel’s birthday and surprised him with a cake. Happy Birthday!

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After two relaxing nights at Itikoni Camp it’s time to hit the trail to the summit of Kilimanjaro. Our trek travels through four of the five climate zones on Kilimanjaro, starting in the montane forest and going through the heather and moorland, the highland desert, and ending up 7 days later in the…

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… high alpine zone at the summit, 19,341 ft. From Uhuru (Swahili for ‘freedom’) Peak, the highest point in Africa, you can see the curvature of the earth! Standing on top of the continent is so cool!

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Following the descent of Kilimanjaro Anne and Daniel went on safari and game viewing and then off to Zanzibar for some beach time! Congratulations to Anne and Daniel for a successful ascent and thanks for choosing Mountain Madness for your honeymoon!