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- Oct 10, 2014
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Mustang Trek — Local Culture

All phoÂtos by Deana Zabaldo
The culÂture of MusÂtang revealed itself not only in monasÂterÂies and spirÂiÂtuÂal places, but also in women weavÂing, in men galÂlopÂing horsÂes across the plateau, in friendÂly faces peekÂing out doorÂways and winÂdows, in chilÂdren sayÂing ​“Namaste!” on their way home from school.

One of the best evenings on the trek was when we arranged to use a local famÂiÂly home for dinÂner. Not only did we get to sit in the kitchen and talk with the old couÂple who lived there, but also six local women turned out in welÂcome to sing and dance for us.

As their chilÂdren dozed off nearÂby, they told us they only get tourist groups once or twice a year, and they were excitÂed to be able to meet us, sing for us, and talk to us. We all shared a litÂtle about our lives and went to sleep a litÂtle richÂer for it.
~ MM Guide Deana Zabaldo